Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Misery loves company. Company shares misery and makes it less or maybe even makes it go away. But driving away misery is only one way out. Misery suffered in solitude can be dangerous. It is not for everyone. It can make a person depressed, make him go mad, even suicidal. But if a person is strong enough to bear it, it can help him. Misery is like an ocean, a person who has no stamina, who does not know how to swim can drown. But a person daring enough to swim, one who is strong enough to bear its strong current, and fight its undertow can go to new places in this ocean. Misery is a powerful motivator. The greatest modern poets write about misery and melancholy (or so ive heard. Personally i could never get thru one of their poems without falling asleep 17 times). Some of Shakespeares greatest works are tragedies (again never read them in all their glory). Some people let their emotions rule supreme. We are influenced by a spectrum of emotions like, infatuation, love, lust, hate, anger, elation, joy. If we allow ourselves to be influenced with all these emotions, then why not be influenced by misery. Why are we so quick to dispel this emotion, this burdgeoning feeling?

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