Sunday, December 31, 2006

Personally Speaking

People are not impassive but time and technology have developed a sense of apathy to an extent that we are only able to respond if we can relate to incidents to a personal level. And society hasnt done anything to respond to that. People instantly respond to things if explained to them at a personal level. Examples of this are usually seen in the form of
entertainment. This media is used to deliver messages where people can relate to them - thru movies, thru tv, thru books and stories.

The tv, the computer, the walkman have grown more and more personal and they have substituted emotional response in men. I once related the law of energy to emotions. I will now procceed to apply the same law to concentration. Man cannot increase or decrease his concentration power. He can transfer it. The more things distracting him, the more divided is his concentration. He has to transfer his concentration and responsiveness. Things like the educational system and political system need to be rectified to meet this change. The educational system in India is one of the most impersonal ones in the world. Its like they are trying to fulfil an obligation by giving students a nominal even rudimentary education rather than develop the potential of, i daresay, one of the most important (barring a few antisocial, anti..well human elements..Mansuri twins this means u) resources of our country.

Well thats it for me people, see you next year. Have a rocking eve...K.K. Signing out!!!!

Go With The Flow

A fat ugly woman enters. A thousand others start cheering and screaming. Then they scream more at every little thing she says. She sits on her couch and talks to loser women who have no better way of whiling away their afternoons about inner goodness and empowerment and other rot. Yes yes i am talking about the Oprah Winfrey show. Thousands of people mindlessly cheer and enjoy one of the stupidest shows on television.

We have all heard the term mob mentality. a dangerous situations brought about in the heat of the moment and rising temperatures. This situation is something i would like to term as passive mob mentality. Sane and apparently normal people getting carried away by the momentum of the hype generated by a few people. This i believe is even more dangerous than normal mob mentality. And may lead to more dangerous results. Mob mentality may explain the Gujarat riots and carnage, but only passive mob mentality can explain the reelection of a mass murderer like Narendra Modi.

I dont have claim over a vast store ( or even a little store for that matter) of knowledge of history, or politics or well...political history ( is there a historical politics?). But i daresay there have been few occasions in a democracy where a mass murderer not only escaped conviction but returned to power. Some might argue that those who declare wars are all mass murderers and might quote a few American presidents as example, but this man procceded to wreak havok in the very state that he was governing. And not just mass murder - torture mutilation, gangrape, and all kinds of imaginable (and quite a few unimaginable) offences.

Soulless Wonder

So i just went back to Gujarat. Somehow the place has lost its charm for me. Ahmedabad has made tremendous progress,
developing to become a metro no less. But the city has lost its soul i believe. Its like one huge person partying, having
fun, hanging out but at the end of the day devoid of soul and meaning. Initially i thought the Gujaratis were bad, but later
i was forced to alter my opinion and believe that they were good natured and harmless beneath their rough exterior.
But once again i am forced to reconsider. What if that was just another cover. And beneath it they are all shallow and
evil. I may be judging them very harshly but after the carnage and riots, i believe i have a right to. And if they are
being misjudged, they deserve to be. I mean the place is taken over by Modi and his knobbly kneed army in shorts. People even relected him let alone have him judged for his sins. And they say hes improved roads, done a lot for development. I mean in a pros and cons situation ur weighing in MASS BLOODY MURDER with ROAD AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT? Are you kidding?

Second Track

I hate girls secondtracking. Its like listening to a defective music player or something. I mean, what is with that.
Before the teacher finishes the sentence, they are finishing along with him. You cant understand a word being said. Ok
girls, we know you have nothing better to do with your loser lives than study all day, but do you have to show off every
goddamned minute? I thought this was restricted to studies, but apparently they do it everywhere. In movies, while
listening to songs and even in coffee shops. Their speakalong and singalong is irritating...its like life is one long
rapidex repeatalong course for them.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Majority Report

Truth when formulated on convinience is never the complete truth. IT becomes a lie fabricated to suit a majority. And
majority always wins right? Ive never understood that. No major government has been elected by an overwhelming majority for a long time. so they win 51:49. I ask you, is it right for the other 49 %. Why do writers and many dignified personalities offer different opinions from the general consensus. Is it because thats the cool thing to do? If the majority of the people believe something, why do they think its wrong? I believe its because they stop to think and analyse. In most cases feelings rule the brain and people get carried away in what is considered mob mentality. Its like a hundered people being ruled by one mind. No wonder they act so dumb.

The majority always end up getting their way no matter what The margin doesnt matter. They dont stop there though. The view of the minority is condemned and misrepresented. A very good example of this is what the christians did to the pagan symbols. Turned their symbols into those of satan and devil worship. So i guess this is how it works. The majority ovewhelm the minority by force. Then they repress and distort theirviews and beliefs and their works and beliefs are lost to posterity. Why this concept of majority wins. Why is it always in the extreme. If its a close call then why not a compromise. 51 is greater than 49. But does 49 become so insignificant as to be considered negligent, even non existent? hat is the problem with democracy. It is not the voice of the people. Its just a voice of most of the people. I know ive been panning democracy a lot lately but there you have it. Does almost half the world deserve to suffer because the rest want to have their way. That sounds frighteningly like survival of the fittest. So i guess we can say the civilised world is more like a jungle than even teh jungle itself. More subtle and all the more treacherous for it(did i spell treacherous right? im too lazy to get a dictionary.).

Can I Help You?

Reason and logic are totally segregated from opinion in our country. India saves the most on consultancy charges among all
countries in the world. This is the only country in the world where everyone has free advice to give and an opinion to
offer. People here are very generous by nature. They dont care if the topic under discussion doesnt concern them....hell
they dont even stop when the topic is one which they know nothing about. They will stop their work, abandon their concerns
and rally round to offer advice. And the feel good glow on their faces when their advice is accepted is among the most
absurdly fascinating sights to see in this country. One of the fallacies of being a democracy i assume. I geuss thats why
they say ' a Democracy is where everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.' Imagine the height of self
confidence in a country where every person believes that what he has to say is the most important. No one cares whats right,
and they certainly do not care about the person or thing in consideration or their distress. They just look at it like a
platform where they can show off their ideas in front of others and then gloat in self satisfaction.