Sunday, December 24, 2006

Can I Help You?

Reason and logic are totally segregated from opinion in our country. India saves the most on consultancy charges among all
countries in the world. This is the only country in the world where everyone has free advice to give and an opinion to
offer. People here are very generous by nature. They dont care if the topic under discussion doesnt concern them....hell
they dont even stop when the topic is one which they know nothing about. They will stop their work, abandon their concerns
and rally round to offer advice. And the feel good glow on their faces when their advice is accepted is among the most
absurdly fascinating sights to see in this country. One of the fallacies of being a democracy i assume. I geuss thats why
they say ' a Democracy is where everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.' Imagine the height of self
confidence in a country where every person believes that what he has to say is the most important. No one cares whats right,
and they certainly do not care about the person or thing in consideration or their distress. They just look at it like a
platform where they can show off their ideas in front of others and then gloat in self satisfaction.

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