Thursday, November 30, 2006

Doctor Doctor!!

Doctors are the most irritating breed. I am not the only one who says that. Ask my friend Saurabh, hell agree. They spend all their life learning only this. No interest or inclination for any co curricular activity. They have boring drab lives. Since all they know is medical jargon, they thrust their knowlege in ur face all the time. iF u are related to a medico, doctor or even a dentist, then i beg you not to fall ill. If they hear about it, they will certainly jump at a chance to show off their knowledge. Giving a dozen different diagnosis, recommending tablets left and right, they will bore you to the point of desperation. And then when you are beyond hope, they will bore you some more. Its irritating. They have no other knowledge or talents to share. So everytime they get an opportunity to show off their medical knowhow, they will thrust their wisdom upon you. Whether you want it or not.

Living the Dream

Virtual life. How many scraps do you have. What is ur rating on the cool, trusty and sexy meter? How many friends do you
have and how many fans? IS this what worries you the most? If so, you need to seriously change your priorities. Satisfying your ambitions and cravings to be noticed virtually is as clear as a cry for help. You need to get back to your real life and get out of fantasies. Fantasy lovers, romantics and idealists stand to be cruelly disappointed at every point of life. They take the saying "live the dream" a bit too seriously. Its time for a wake up call to the real world. If you dont stop living in the fantasy world, you will lose touch with reality. And then it becomes all the harder to cope with. Because no matter how long you take, when you return to the real world, all your problems are still awaiting you.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Help me

Its amazing how ppl hide selfishness and their meanness behind a cheerful boisterous exterior. If their manner is a little too condescending a little to matronly, u can guess they are being mean. People acting in that superior yet indulgent manner, as if you were a child, really get on my nerves. Pretending that we know nothing and what they say is gospel. This is a way of getting their own way. They act like ur a bufoon and dont know what ur doing, yet they are willing to help you and show you how to do things right. This is only to hide the selfishness they have within. You must have experienced it....go out with some friends and when you come back at the end of the day you realise that you didnt do one thing that you wanted to do, didnt get to have your way even once and yet they made u end up feeling like you were the hindrance. Or soemtimes you ask them something, you give them two options --- if it benifits them they are willing to suggest the riskier one. They make the decision in a cold calculating manner judging whats best for them and not for you. Let me give you an example --- you arrive late and reach the classroom doors. You peek in and catch your friends eye. The teacher is already in. The teacher may be very strict and wont take kindly to your intruding and disrupting the class. Still if your friend is sitting alone or getting bored he will wave you in "cmon in, its no big deal, the teacher wont mind". At this juncture the friend wont choose whats right for you but whats right or rather convinient for him. Even at his friends, i.e. ur risk.
Its very difficult to recognise these situations, but if you know what to look for its pretty easy. But then getting out of these situations is harder. Specially if ur not the assertive type.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In The Beginning

Its the age of reinvention...In keeping with the changing times and the state of the world, the fictional world is reflecting
our mindset. Not surprising as it is one of its functions. Besides entertainment movies reflect current affairs and create
awareness. But enough philosophizing. I just came back from seeing casino royale. The story of james bond. Not the
"shaken not stirred/bond....james bond" but how he became the man we know. Suits, he wears em cuz he has to.
Martini--shaken or stirred? he doesnt give a damn. Reinventing bond from the gadget toting world saver, this grittier, darker back to basics movie is just what the franchise sorley needed. That is what they should have done with Superman. New man in the suit deserved a new storyline. Superman was the one franchise that needed a makeover the most. But they made a sequel. Given it was a fantastic sequel to the godawful Superman 4(did neone actually see that movie?) it was neverthe less a sequel. And 20 yrs down the line, that was not what we needed. Ethan Hunt in what might have been his last outing reinvented the mission: impossible genre. A more human hunt, more desperate, more believable. Less superfluous eye candy and lot less confusing. Batman: oh bats, bats!! His was, i think, by far the best makeover. All black, dark, desperate and driven. Could there BE a better Bruce Wayne? Neways, back to bond: movie couldve done with some slicker editing (time length a bit too much), less poker and more action, but it is satisfying nonetheless. Do watch it.

The greatest tribute to a movie can be when you feel like u want to be in the heroes shoes. Felt it in M:i seiries, in troy, in superhero flicks...but before this one i never felt that kind of longing for a bond flick....nuff said...go see the movie.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Its amazing how fate can play mean tricks on you. That is why i always maitain that god should bless us with the power of choosing of where to be born, when and as who. Scroll down and read my article regarding Achilles and Karn. I mean just imagine if they had been born on different sides. The course of history would have changed. Just imagine Pravin Togadia a Muslim hardliner, or Ayatollah Khomeini as the Pope, or George Bush as the leader of RSS. They would have been just as effective i believe. Fanatics dont need reasons. Reason and logic are farthest from their minds. All they need is for a cause to believe in.
At the core, all fundamentalists are the same. Koi FUNDA follow nahi karte, aur sab MENTAL hote hain. They possess the power to make people see their vision. They have awe and fear as their ally. But they mostly end up presenting the wrong picture. This may happen due to two reasons. Either they themselves have been educated wrongly and see the wrong picture. They themselves might be deluded and may actually believe what they preach. The second scenario, the more common one, i believe, is that they twist the facts and truths to suit their own ideas. They manipulate preachings and situations to facilitate their hold on people so that their power over the masses may never lessen. Both classes are equally dangerous -- the first one dangerous in the manner of a raving and raging lunatic, and the second one as a feindish and cunning Machiavelli (i hope i spelt it right). If they all belonged to the same side, all the greatest of hardliners would be best of pals. Imagine, Bush and Saddam sharing a glass of whisky or possibly getting down together at an Iftaar gathering.
The world is run by people who love and abuse power. And it can be safe only in the hands of those who dont crave power. But these people will never come into power. Can u see the irony? So warmongers and unetical maniacs will always be in power. And all they will worry about is staying in power. And that is the power given by us. Yes, democracy has had only one effect........we now get to chose who abuses power and who we elect to mistreat us. No one actually knows the proper use of power but everyone covets it. Ironically most of the time one is in power, one spends it in trying to remain in power. He barely has time to enjoy(in other words abuse) it. I think misuse of power should come with an immediate death sentence. So that the crown sits heavy upon their heads. So no matter how happy they are, like Damocles they always have a sword hanging over their heads.

Physics for the Soul

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transferred from one state to another. I wonder if the person who made this statement was a philosopher. This statement can be correctly substituted in many situations.Scenario 1: If our emotions are a state, the energy within us (no, no not the spiritual one, the actual physical one you dolts) is constantly tranferred from one emotion to another, elated one moment, sulking the next, soft and mushy now, angry and vindictive the tomorrow and so on. Yes even sulking requires energy, with the brain furiously thinking dark thoughts about whatever or whoever.
Alternately consider our feelings themselves as energy. They are converted from one state to the next. Joy, anger(my favorite), hatred(another one of my favs), love(yuck!!!) even apathy and indifference. You might want to argue that indifference is neutral ground when we are between emotions but thats not how it is. Indifference is not a neutral state but a group of neutral emotions. In difference is actually a group of emotions and can leave you drained after a while. Because it is hard to remain neutral in any situation for a long time. Constant change in energy can cause damage to its surroundings and constant emotional turmoil can damage us.

The Memory Remains

Imagine seeing something that you liked, a movie, or a really cool gadget or a jacket that you loved instantly. You will recall it quite fondly in your mind and it stays vividly registered in your memory. You will end up recommending it to all people and sing its praises. Now when you see this thing, object after a while, you will end up disappointed. The thing will remain as good as it was, and you will still like it but still you will end up at least a little disappointed. The reason for it is this: when you liked it, and when you fondly recalled it in your memory, at that moment, when your mind is in a euphoric state, your mind will make the object appear more attractive than it was. It somehow subtly removes the inconsistencies, errors, the flaws that the thing contains and creates what can be considered a perfect, even if a little misleading, image. This can also be said to be true for a person.
Conversly when you see something that has been panned by several people or something that you are already prejudiced again, your mind ends up creating an overly horrible image of that object or person. So that when you view it in a different state of mind, you might find yourself saying, its not that bad. The key is always to keep your thoughts fluid and in motion. It is never good to dwell on any one thing for a very long time, be it joyful or filled with sorrow.