Friday, October 12, 2007

Idealistically Really Pessimistic Cynicism

For a pessimist and a realist i sometimes find myself being too much of an idealist and end up being way too disappointed. I expect not to be btched about. I expect people to behave the same way behind my back as they do to my face. I expect them to behave like i do.

I expect a rational, clean world. I loathe politics. And i end up being born in a world where backbiting and bitching abounds and political gimmicks are the only way to get by - national politics, inter departmental politics, students vs faculty politics, inter class politics, gender politics, even sexual politics. Theyre like childish games....only theyre much more illogical and way more dangerous with loads more at stake.

If your outlook is like that of a duelist, you expect your opponent to let the count down finish before turning and firing. You dont march up expecting him to break rules and turn and fire any moment. But today, thats what happens.

If someone helps you, its usually just enough to keep you as an acquaintance so that you can be fed for future milking or to put it more morosely, to fatten you up for future slaughter. Study time and most try to stall you when asked for help. Its even understandable when you give competetive exams but for a class exam or test, isnt it possible for everyone to pass?

Every relationship is based on need and as such we are all calculative by nature. But the world today is more about materialisation. And this fact is now mirrored in every aspect of our life like a Klaxon call taken up by a Viking (or is it Scottish - what is a klaxon anyway?) warrior. People befriend you for materialistic requirements. And that is not only unnerving but extremely insulting and demeaning. Emotional dependence is also a need. Some, althought very few today, might say its a greater need than materialsitic needs. But you dont mind that. Its always flattering when someone falters and has to lean on you. It gives you a feeling of pride and your mind exults when someone gets emotionally dependent on you. Probably because its something that you can give while the material needs you satisfy is mostly, usually all due to BAAP KA PAISA.

Well Its NEWS To Me!!!!!!

Whats journalism coming to these days? And most interestingly its the lighter pieces that im talking about. Most of the females out there, well they cant do lighter columns. Nine out of ten chick columns deal with their experience on Orkut, Facebook, Myspace etc. You cant handle it ...we get it!!! Now can we get to read bout something else?

Seema Goswami wrote an article attacking T-Shirt with messages. Well just cuz she cant pull it off doesnt mean we cant. They might be crude, some might be full of innuendos but to each his own.
And most of the females out there are just writing about their browsing experiences. News flash!! save it for your autobiography ladies. We're strictly not interested. We dont care if you get hit on online or are the heroine of a chatroom. We've been there, done that.

Inadequate knowledge in a journo is the worst form of sacrilege there is. There was this girl comparing ideal men and she chose in her own words "Hector over the VAIN Achilles". She probably just saw Troy and thought shed recieved her PhD in Greek history and mythology. She probably didnt know about Achilles loyalty and bravery or how Hector in fact actually tried to run when Achilles challanged him to a duel before being caught by him.

Also featuring in my hatelist is this guy who had a nametag for every kind of SMSer. He panned the ones forwarding lewd jokes, poohpooed the sentimental joke forwarders and had a lot of hate to give to ones sending mssgs with abbreviations. Probably didnt know the meaning of the term SMS. Also i believe hes a sad sorry loser who hasnt got the hang of text messaging and noone sends him messages. Well, vent ur frustration in a blog mister, not in a national newspaper.

Then there are the TV news crews. One minor sting operation starts of a Mexican wave with other channels. Or one discovery of injustice or specific crime perpetration leads to unearthing of an entire stockload of similar crimes by all channels. You might be forgiven for thnking its a part of a nationwide make us switch off our TV sets. And our national newschannels proudly stand by their names. NATIONAL!!!! Not a word of the outside world. No concern of our neighbouring countries, forget other continents. You might think we are America or something.

So when we run out of national news, the words Breaking News dont flicker off and die. Instead, any recent happening apparently fits the billing. So the announcement of a change in the twelfth man for the cricktet team line up is also breaking news.

See if they only want to concentrate on national news, i think the idea of a 24 hr. news channel is redundant. They only end up showing the repeat telecasts from the reality shows of their affiliated channels. And i know that they are called Reality shows but the china scraping drum rolls and slow-mo effects that they use give away their daily soap like falsified drama and as such i think its criminal to even consider it newsworthy.
And lets not forget the millions of hours of cricket analysis. I mean, for cripes sake, the frigggin cricket match didnt last that long. The endless praises, the mind numbing analysis and the countless interviews with the gardner of the uncle of the cousin twice removed of Yuvraj Singh's best friend. And calling Yuvraj Singh dashing and handsome???!!! Please.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Being different is what i revel in. Not being taken seriously is my stealth cloak, my cloak of
invisibility. And im sure many feel the same way. But sometimes it just takes one factor to change it all -like i had occasion to observe recently in a friend of mine.Maybe the lack of appreciation gets to you. Maybethe constant jokes and lack of importance finally breaks you down. Maybe its several nods of acknowledgement that will appease you. Or may be its just one persons appreciation that makes you obfuscate betweenconventional and rebel.

What we need to understand is that rebellion is not about being cool. Its not about sporting a Che GueveraT-shirt at a nightclub, pub or a party. It is about sacrificing and understanding that you are not meant to fit in. And if viewed the right way, that can be something to be proud of.

Anything that is different stands out and anything that stands out invited critique. Mind you, if you tryto be different just for the sake of standing out, your actions will lack coherence and deep inside you realise the frivolity of your deeds.

Stubbornness, depending on your point of view can be a good or a bad quality. But i dare you to deny thefact that it is an immensely valuable quality. Your inherent INERTIA is, ironically, what DRIVES you,motivates you.

You end up sacrificing a lot. But you it should not feel like a sacrifice. If you feel like white hot rods piercing your heart everytime you miss out on something fun that everyone is involved in, you belong withthem. You arent meant to stand out - its just your fervent wish to be different that is deluding you. Thoughsometimes you do end up encountering certain factors that pull you towards the crowd. Most often though, as observed in the cases of a few of my friends, its just infatuation with a single person which can alter yourthought proccess. But trust me, its just the unattainability of it that lures you in. If ever you were to manage to get that person you would realise that it wasnt worth it at all.