Sunday, December 31, 2017

Ultra-High Definition Resolutions

New Year trends to bring in a lot of resolve.   A lot of resolutions.  And a lot of quitting.  Usually the good kind.  But there are other kinds of quitting.  Where we tend to swear off something completely.  If you look at life like binaries, it’s shutting off one avenue completely, which could lead to near-infinite more possibilities.  In many cases it is justified.  There is logic and rationale behind it.  In some cases, a little more evaluation is required.

We tend to shut things off completely.  Out of anger, outrage, indignation, or it’s vocal and vehement support by opposing ideologies.  The more rabble-rousing done in favor of something particular, the more vehement is the opposition for it, by those who oppose the rabble-rousers themselves (Think about it, the shriller the alarm clock, the more likely we are to clock it with a sledgehammer).  And so we let other fools decide our paths for us (much like we let RottenTomatoes dictate our movie viewing).

We need to take a more informed call.  Not the ill-informed one we tend to make.  Learn about something before swearing it off completely.  We don’t need to burn ourselves to know that we need to avoid fire.  I don’t believe in the experience everything once mantra.  But we sure as hell need to know what the deal with Fire is.  Like when you googled to find out what the deal with Arcade Fire was (I know you did).

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