Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Nudge, a wink and a nod!

We live in the age of influence (nope, this is not a post on alcoholism or drug abuse.  No, it’s not about my caffeine over-dependence.  Or my Red Bull addiction).  It’s not about influential events, or influential people.  It’s about how the influence is now coming in like a maelstrom, wrapping everything in.  People, events, products, everything wields influence.  And everything, therefore, is influenced.

It’s like an Ouroboros (don’t ask me what it means, I love throwing in a few fancy words every now and then.  It’s probably a cross between the Alpha Omega concept, Catch-22 phenomenon and Aum).  So we have self-referential humor, pat on the back jokes, pop culture references (forget classic references, movies, shows and music now reference current contemporary phenomenon, their dubious shelf life and longevity notwithstanding).
Remember that age old query where art imitates life or life imitates art? Well now it’s like Does life imitate art, which is influenced by art influenced by life, in turn influenced by some obscure art?  You see what I mean?  Too confusing.  We can’t be sure what we want and like is something that we actually want and like or something that we feel we want and like because it is projected that we want and like said thing.  We’ve dug ourselves into a hole and now we can’t get out.  Hell, we aren’t sure we want to get out (story of my life by the way).  I, personally think that we shall all fade out, like a snapshot of a snapshot of a snapshot till it’s just a jumble of obscure pixels (or go for that Copy of a Copy of a Copy dialogue from Fight Club, if you want to).  On that cheerful note, Happy New Year!

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