Friday, January 05, 2007

All Mine

Selfishness exists at several level. It just depends on a persons interpretation. I mean wanting yourself to have the best of everything is just as selfish as wanting your group to have the best.. Its collective pride but its still pride. So, continuing in the same vein, is patriotism a virtue? shouldnt we be thinking at a world level in this age where information and communications have made the world very small. Thinking about you is selfish. Think about your family. Isnt that selfish too? Shouldnt you care about others. You want your country to be the best. Is that really a virtue? You want your Community to prosper. Is that correct thinking? If you care only about your relegion, in India you are labelled a communal person. If you think about only your country, that still is actually selfish in the sense that you do no care about the rest of the world. PRide will exist. At some level or the other. Only saints can be selfless but then i believe they do these deeds to attain supreme oneness and gain favor of the gods. So there ya have it. No one is selfless. At least not completely.

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