Women have no apparent purpose in this world. But i believe that their existence does
serve a purpose. They were sent to try mens souls. To test them to the utmost. Sometimes when i feel particularly uncharitable i think they were sent here by the devil himself to destroy
mankind. But unfortunately man cannot survive without them. Forget the emotional aspect.
Survival without them is biologically impossible. There is no such thing as a good girl or a
happy marriage. Marriage is at best an arrangement of convinience. I like to think of it not as
a symbiosis but a mutually parasitical relationship. Of all the prophets and messengers sent by
the Almighty how many were females? None. They are unreasonable, impractical and devious
minded. They plan and plot and hide a twisted mind behind an innocent exterior. First they will
make u hang on ur everyword. Only when u are completely dependable on them will they show their real side. When i say things like this most people assume that ive crashed and burned before or that ive been dished dirt by a girl at somepoint in my life. I mean, come on, is it really so hard to believe that someone can be practical minded and wise enough to avoid them like a plague and learn from the experiences and follies of others. Take a good look around you, at some friend who is seeing someone, whos dating and you will find that hes not the same man as he was before. Hes changed and not for the better. He has a permanently grave expression on his face like his whole life is one big funeral procession. He cant do the things that he wants to do. He may pretend to not like doing guy things anymore like just hanging out or watching action movies all day or countless other things that he used to enjoy before. But in truth he wants to do those things equally bad. Plus the emotional strain is unbearable. Also consider the load on ones pocket. It is a huge weight on ones pocket to date someone. I mean, why should us guys shell out for everything on a date, every meal and every cup of coffee that we have together. And the thing is taken as granted. That would only mean that it is understood that the girl is doing us a huge favor by even going out with us or seeing us and it is only fair of us to return the favor by doing all the financial spending.
In this age when women are joining all fields and enjoying being "advanced" in an age
where they clamour for equality and equal rights and things some things still never change. We
still end up giving up our seats to them, or going around letting them having the first go at
things. Why should the concept of 'ladies first' be still alive if they want equality. Recently
the female players agitated in wimbledon to get equal money as the male players in the cash
prize. I mean, come on, they play lesser no. of sets so its only fair that they get less money.
If they want more money i suggest they try playing five sets in the sweltering heat. Why do
they still get priority in most situations over men? Why do they still have reservations in
educational institute if they clamor for equality? And why do we still end up spending money on
everything on a date if they want equality? Also consider this - can we hit out when taunted by
a girl like we would at a guy in the same situation. Girls can go and say even the rudes and
most insulting things to the meanest guy around and come away unscathed.. Then they pretend this is bravery. Of course it is to be expected that the guy is not going to hit out on them. There is no question of bravery. It just goes to highlight our ridiculous position in the state of things. I sincerely believe its time to change all this.Theres a saying that u cant have ur cake and eat it too. But with women they have their cake, eat it too and we end up paying for the damn thing. They end up having their way and yet manage to make you feel miserable about the way you treat them. They exploit you at every turn and when you are finally and completely sapped they start complaining and finding various faults with you. Exploitation followedby dessecrations. In spiders there is only one subspecies known as the Black widow. For humans, every woman is a black widow. They clamor for women rights and stuff When they are not content with destroying Man.
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