Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Gentlemen and Gentlemen

Why is a gentlemans gentlemanliness guaged only in respect to his attitude toward ladies......if there were no ladies would there be no gentlemen? Is chivalry the only yardstick of gentlemanliness. Is everything to be expected of us men? Women are just supposed to be satisfied and kept happy. And the minute we fail to do that we become unsuitable and ghastly if we are mere acquaintainces and selfish and demanding if we are spouses or significant others. In spite of all this women demand rights and equality and all sorts of bullshit and go around acting as if they are being treated unfairly. Oh and the way they try to mould us ud think they were bally proffessional sculptors. They try to change us so they can like us but when we change ourselves they find we are too different from the person they knew and dont like us anymore. Its a damned catch 22 situation. Why are all the boys who dont talk to girls considered bad eggs. In a school or college the boys who stick together and have nothing to do with girls are automatically assumed to be the bad sort and are to be avoided. This kind of prejudice is absurd as absured as the caste reservations imposed upon the masses by the government. Girls have this weird tendency to move together. hell they even go to the bathroom in groups. But the moment guys move around together it is a gang. Chattering girls are considered friendly and sprightly but the moment a guy opens his mouth to share an opinion he is labelled a chatterbox. Chivalry is overrated. Personally id hold the door open for anyone and have often given up my seat for close personal friends whom i see standing. But ill be damned if i ever hold the door open to please a proud overbearing snob of a girl or give up my seat for someone who i dont care about and dont know from adam. Why people go out of their way to be polite to appease some godforsaken snobbish girl who they in all probability will never see again is something beyond my comprehension. The most important thing to remember which no one at least 99 % of the straight boys population does not remember is that one must under no circumstances loose control of our brains. A person who controls his brain is the safest. A person who lets himself get controlled by his brain might be in for a wee bit of trouble. But the person knee deep in alligator infested murky waters, so to speak, is he who lets himself be controlled by his testosterone surge. And that is a polite way of putting ---- being controlled by his loins. He will definitely regret it later....but in the moment he commits the rashest acts possible. That may be one of the reasons i hold prejudice against the "unfairer sex". Ive seen several friends reduced to blubbering, slobbering idiots without a mind of their own. Nothing induces them to stop their embarassing behavior. They refuse to listen to the voice of reason i.e. mine. Give women and inch and they want an entire kingdom. When i tell you its time to show them their place, i might sound cruel, like an old fashioned, narrow minded patriarch but let me assure you i am not. Its just that the attention provided to them has gone to their heads and they now believe that the world is theirs for their taking. I for one am completely in favor of dispelling this notion from their minds. Besides women like dominating males, i hear.

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