Monday, June 05, 2006


Rules and regulations were introduced by society. But unconventional people, out of the box thinkers dont always do well in a world riddled with rules. The fabric of society has thickened over the period of time. Civilisation has progressed.....but has it really? They say that we are better more sophisticated and more well behaved than our ancestors. Well to be frank, all i find is that we are leading more complicated lives. More comfortable yes. But that comfort has come at a price. Wy is civilisation better? Or if we are civilised and live by stupid and useless rules, why is it so good? Because the British said so? here is a race that fought even its war by rules. Pretended to be high and mighty and better than the rest while they tried to
conquer the entire world and set up colonies in the name of civilisation.Sometimes it is to be wondered whether man is adapting or imitating. Adapting animals can adapt
back or to be precise can revert back. Man unfortunately has no such abilities. Thus it can safely be said that man does not adapt. Rather he is a parasite to his surroundings. And when hes done with one he moves on to the next surrounding. Each time he learns a little and each time he destroys a lot. While civilisation has its drawbacks, rules and discipline are good things. They are necessary and character building. But rules created by others are hard to follow. The best
rulesw one can follow are the ones that one makes up himself. Similarly discipline imposee on us by others is hardly beneficial or healthy. It only goads us further as outlaws and rebels. The best and most healthy form of discipline is the self imposed kind. Everybody has his idea and concept of things and likes to live accordingly. Everybody has his own set of rules. You wont find a person without a set of rules. A person might be lawless but you dont see a ruleless person. That is why no system can be perfect. The system that comes closest to perfection is a dictatorship and that too only if you are the dictator. Rules are meant to be a convinience and
not an encumberance. Civilisation has definitely complicated things. Hypocritic pretences, unwonted and tiresome pleasantries, useless civilites must be observed at all times. In their heart of hearts everyone wished they didnt have to do it but now its like a social rank or a status symbol. Everyone must keep up the pretences. We are effectively trapped within the system we ourselves created. Its like a "Social Matrix". We resent it but we have no choice but to continue with the nuances of civilisation. Its too late to revert to the good old days. Damn the British. One of the most obnoxious races ive ever seen. Worship a queen who is just a parasite on the world. Have absurd sense of humor and will commit the most savage of acts in the
name of civilisation.

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