Sunday, December 31, 2006

Personally Speaking

People are not impassive but time and technology have developed a sense of apathy to an extent that we are only able to respond if we can relate to incidents to a personal level. And society hasnt done anything to respond to that. People instantly respond to things if explained to them at a personal level. Examples of this are usually seen in the form of
entertainment. This media is used to deliver messages where people can relate to them - thru movies, thru tv, thru books and stories.

The tv, the computer, the walkman have grown more and more personal and they have substituted emotional response in men. I once related the law of energy to emotions. I will now procceed to apply the same law to concentration. Man cannot increase or decrease his concentration power. He can transfer it. The more things distracting him, the more divided is his concentration. He has to transfer his concentration and responsiveness. Things like the educational system and political system need to be rectified to meet this change. The educational system in India is one of the most impersonal ones in the world. Its like they are trying to fulfil an obligation by giving students a nominal even rudimentary education rather than develop the potential of, i daresay, one of the most important (barring a few antisocial, anti..well human elements..Mansuri twins this means u) resources of our country.

Well thats it for me people, see you next year. Have a rocking eve...K.K. Signing out!!!!

Go With The Flow

A fat ugly woman enters. A thousand others start cheering and screaming. Then they scream more at every little thing she says. She sits on her couch and talks to loser women who have no better way of whiling away their afternoons about inner goodness and empowerment and other rot. Yes yes i am talking about the Oprah Winfrey show. Thousands of people mindlessly cheer and enjoy one of the stupidest shows on television.

We have all heard the term mob mentality. a dangerous situations brought about in the heat of the moment and rising temperatures. This situation is something i would like to term as passive mob mentality. Sane and apparently normal people getting carried away by the momentum of the hype generated by a few people. This i believe is even more dangerous than normal mob mentality. And may lead to more dangerous results. Mob mentality may explain the Gujarat riots and carnage, but only passive mob mentality can explain the reelection of a mass murderer like Narendra Modi.

I dont have claim over a vast store ( or even a little store for that matter) of knowledge of history, or politics or well...political history ( is there a historical politics?). But i daresay there have been few occasions in a democracy where a mass murderer not only escaped conviction but returned to power. Some might argue that those who declare wars are all mass murderers and might quote a few American presidents as example, but this man procceded to wreak havok in the very state that he was governing. And not just mass murder - torture mutilation, gangrape, and all kinds of imaginable (and quite a few unimaginable) offences.

Soulless Wonder

So i just went back to Gujarat. Somehow the place has lost its charm for me. Ahmedabad has made tremendous progress,
developing to become a metro no less. But the city has lost its soul i believe. Its like one huge person partying, having
fun, hanging out but at the end of the day devoid of soul and meaning. Initially i thought the Gujaratis were bad, but later
i was forced to alter my opinion and believe that they were good natured and harmless beneath their rough exterior.
But once again i am forced to reconsider. What if that was just another cover. And beneath it they are all shallow and
evil. I may be judging them very harshly but after the carnage and riots, i believe i have a right to. And if they are
being misjudged, they deserve to be. I mean the place is taken over by Modi and his knobbly kneed army in shorts. People even relected him let alone have him judged for his sins. And they say hes improved roads, done a lot for development. I mean in a pros and cons situation ur weighing in MASS BLOODY MURDER with ROAD AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT? Are you kidding?

Second Track

I hate girls secondtracking. Its like listening to a defective music player or something. I mean, what is with that.
Before the teacher finishes the sentence, they are finishing along with him. You cant understand a word being said. Ok
girls, we know you have nothing better to do with your loser lives than study all day, but do you have to show off every
goddamned minute? I thought this was restricted to studies, but apparently they do it everywhere. In movies, while
listening to songs and even in coffee shops. Their speakalong and singalong is irritating...its like life is one long
rapidex repeatalong course for them.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Majority Report

Truth when formulated on convinience is never the complete truth. IT becomes a lie fabricated to suit a majority. And
majority always wins right? Ive never understood that. No major government has been elected by an overwhelming majority for a long time. so they win 51:49. I ask you, is it right for the other 49 %. Why do writers and many dignified personalities offer different opinions from the general consensus. Is it because thats the cool thing to do? If the majority of the people believe something, why do they think its wrong? I believe its because they stop to think and analyse. In most cases feelings rule the brain and people get carried away in what is considered mob mentality. Its like a hundered people being ruled by one mind. No wonder they act so dumb.

The majority always end up getting their way no matter what The margin doesnt matter. They dont stop there though. The view of the minority is condemned and misrepresented. A very good example of this is what the christians did to the pagan symbols. Turned their symbols into those of satan and devil worship. So i guess this is how it works. The majority ovewhelm the minority by force. Then they repress and distort theirviews and beliefs and their works and beliefs are lost to posterity. Why this concept of majority wins. Why is it always in the extreme. If its a close call then why not a compromise. 51 is greater than 49. But does 49 become so insignificant as to be considered negligent, even non existent? hat is the problem with democracy. It is not the voice of the people. Its just a voice of most of the people. I know ive been panning democracy a lot lately but there you have it. Does almost half the world deserve to suffer because the rest want to have their way. That sounds frighteningly like survival of the fittest. So i guess we can say the civilised world is more like a jungle than even teh jungle itself. More subtle and all the more treacherous for it(did i spell treacherous right? im too lazy to get a dictionary.).

Can I Help You?

Reason and logic are totally segregated from opinion in our country. India saves the most on consultancy charges among all
countries in the world. This is the only country in the world where everyone has free advice to give and an opinion to
offer. People here are very generous by nature. They dont care if the topic under discussion doesnt concern them....hell
they dont even stop when the topic is one which they know nothing about. They will stop their work, abandon their concerns
and rally round to offer advice. And the feel good glow on their faces when their advice is accepted is among the most
absurdly fascinating sights to see in this country. One of the fallacies of being a democracy i assume. I geuss thats why
they say ' a Democracy is where everyone wants to be heard and no one wants to listen.' Imagine the height of self
confidence in a country where every person believes that what he has to say is the most important. No one cares whats right,
and they certainly do not care about the person or thing in consideration or their distress. They just look at it like a
platform where they can show off their ideas in front of others and then gloat in self satisfaction.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Doctor Doctor!!

Doctors are the most irritating breed. I am not the only one who says that. Ask my friend Saurabh, hell agree. They spend all their life learning only this. No interest or inclination for any co curricular activity. They have boring drab lives. Since all they know is medical jargon, they thrust their knowlege in ur face all the time. iF u are related to a medico, doctor or even a dentist, then i beg you not to fall ill. If they hear about it, they will certainly jump at a chance to show off their knowledge. Giving a dozen different diagnosis, recommending tablets left and right, they will bore you to the point of desperation. And then when you are beyond hope, they will bore you some more. Its irritating. They have no other knowledge or talents to share. So everytime they get an opportunity to show off their medical knowhow, they will thrust their wisdom upon you. Whether you want it or not.

Living the Dream

Virtual life. How many scraps do you have. What is ur rating on the cool, trusty and sexy meter? How many friends do you
have and how many fans? IS this what worries you the most? If so, you need to seriously change your priorities. Satisfying your ambitions and cravings to be noticed virtually is as clear as a cry for help. You need to get back to your real life and get out of fantasies. Fantasy lovers, romantics and idealists stand to be cruelly disappointed at every point of life. They take the saying "live the dream" a bit too seriously. Its time for a wake up call to the real world. If you dont stop living in the fantasy world, you will lose touch with reality. And then it becomes all the harder to cope with. Because no matter how long you take, when you return to the real world, all your problems are still awaiting you.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Help me

Its amazing how ppl hide selfishness and their meanness behind a cheerful boisterous exterior. If their manner is a little too condescending a little to matronly, u can guess they are being mean. People acting in that superior yet indulgent manner, as if you were a child, really get on my nerves. Pretending that we know nothing and what they say is gospel. This is a way of getting their own way. They act like ur a bufoon and dont know what ur doing, yet they are willing to help you and show you how to do things right. This is only to hide the selfishness they have within. You must have experienced it....go out with some friends and when you come back at the end of the day you realise that you didnt do one thing that you wanted to do, didnt get to have your way even once and yet they made u end up feeling like you were the hindrance. Or soemtimes you ask them something, you give them two options --- if it benifits them they are willing to suggest the riskier one. They make the decision in a cold calculating manner judging whats best for them and not for you. Let me give you an example --- you arrive late and reach the classroom doors. You peek in and catch your friends eye. The teacher is already in. The teacher may be very strict and wont take kindly to your intruding and disrupting the class. Still if your friend is sitting alone or getting bored he will wave you in "cmon in, its no big deal, the teacher wont mind". At this juncture the friend wont choose whats right for you but whats right or rather convinient for him. Even at his friends, i.e. ur risk.
Its very difficult to recognise these situations, but if you know what to look for its pretty easy. But then getting out of these situations is harder. Specially if ur not the assertive type.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

In The Beginning

Its the age of reinvention...In keeping with the changing times and the state of the world, the fictional world is reflecting
our mindset. Not surprising as it is one of its functions. Besides entertainment movies reflect current affairs and create
awareness. But enough philosophizing. I just came back from seeing casino royale. The story of james bond. Not the
"shaken not stirred/bond....james bond" but how he became the man we know. Suits, he wears em cuz he has to.
Martini--shaken or stirred? he doesnt give a damn. Reinventing bond from the gadget toting world saver, this grittier, darker back to basics movie is just what the franchise sorley needed. That is what they should have done with Superman. New man in the suit deserved a new storyline. Superman was the one franchise that needed a makeover the most. But they made a sequel. Given it was a fantastic sequel to the godawful Superman 4(did neone actually see that movie?) it was neverthe less a sequel. And 20 yrs down the line, that was not what we needed. Ethan Hunt in what might have been his last outing reinvented the mission: impossible genre. A more human hunt, more desperate, more believable. Less superfluous eye candy and lot less confusing. Batman: oh bats, bats!! His was, i think, by far the best makeover. All black, dark, desperate and driven. Could there BE a better Bruce Wayne? Neways, back to bond: movie couldve done with some slicker editing (time length a bit too much), less poker and more action, but it is satisfying nonetheless. Do watch it.

The greatest tribute to a movie can be when you feel like u want to be in the heroes shoes. Felt it in M:i seiries, in troy, in superhero flicks...but before this one i never felt that kind of longing for a bond flick....nuff said...go see the movie.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Its amazing how fate can play mean tricks on you. That is why i always maitain that god should bless us with the power of choosing of where to be born, when and as who. Scroll down and read my article regarding Achilles and Karn. I mean just imagine if they had been born on different sides. The course of history would have changed. Just imagine Pravin Togadia a Muslim hardliner, or Ayatollah Khomeini as the Pope, or George Bush as the leader of RSS. They would have been just as effective i believe. Fanatics dont need reasons. Reason and logic are farthest from their minds. All they need is for a cause to believe in.
At the core, all fundamentalists are the same. Koi FUNDA follow nahi karte, aur sab MENTAL hote hain. They possess the power to make people see their vision. They have awe and fear as their ally. But they mostly end up presenting the wrong picture. This may happen due to two reasons. Either they themselves have been educated wrongly and see the wrong picture. They themselves might be deluded and may actually believe what they preach. The second scenario, the more common one, i believe, is that they twist the facts and truths to suit their own ideas. They manipulate preachings and situations to facilitate their hold on people so that their power over the masses may never lessen. Both classes are equally dangerous -- the first one dangerous in the manner of a raving and raging lunatic, and the second one as a feindish and cunning Machiavelli (i hope i spelt it right). If they all belonged to the same side, all the greatest of hardliners would be best of pals. Imagine, Bush and Saddam sharing a glass of whisky or possibly getting down together at an Iftaar gathering.
The world is run by people who love and abuse power. And it can be safe only in the hands of those who dont crave power. But these people will never come into power. Can u see the irony? So warmongers and unetical maniacs will always be in power. And all they will worry about is staying in power. And that is the power given by us. Yes, democracy has had only one effect........we now get to chose who abuses power and who we elect to mistreat us. No one actually knows the proper use of power but everyone covets it. Ironically most of the time one is in power, one spends it in trying to remain in power. He barely has time to enjoy(in other words abuse) it. I think misuse of power should come with an immediate death sentence. So that the crown sits heavy upon their heads. So no matter how happy they are, like Damocles they always have a sword hanging over their heads.

Physics for the Soul

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be transferred from one state to another. I wonder if the person who made this statement was a philosopher. This statement can be correctly substituted in many situations.Scenario 1: If our emotions are a state, the energy within us (no, no not the spiritual one, the actual physical one you dolts) is constantly tranferred from one emotion to another, elated one moment, sulking the next, soft and mushy now, angry and vindictive the tomorrow and so on. Yes even sulking requires energy, with the brain furiously thinking dark thoughts about whatever or whoever.
Alternately consider our feelings themselves as energy. They are converted from one state to the next. Joy, anger(my favorite), hatred(another one of my favs), love(yuck!!!) even apathy and indifference. You might want to argue that indifference is neutral ground when we are between emotions but thats not how it is. Indifference is not a neutral state but a group of neutral emotions. In difference is actually a group of emotions and can leave you drained after a while. Because it is hard to remain neutral in any situation for a long time. Constant change in energy can cause damage to its surroundings and constant emotional turmoil can damage us.

The Memory Remains

Imagine seeing something that you liked, a movie, or a really cool gadget or a jacket that you loved instantly. You will recall it quite fondly in your mind and it stays vividly registered in your memory. You will end up recommending it to all people and sing its praises. Now when you see this thing, object after a while, you will end up disappointed. The thing will remain as good as it was, and you will still like it but still you will end up at least a little disappointed. The reason for it is this: when you liked it, and when you fondly recalled it in your memory, at that moment, when your mind is in a euphoric state, your mind will make the object appear more attractive than it was. It somehow subtly removes the inconsistencies, errors, the flaws that the thing contains and creates what can be considered a perfect, even if a little misleading, image. This can also be said to be true for a person.
Conversly when you see something that has been panned by several people or something that you are already prejudiced again, your mind ends up creating an overly horrible image of that object or person. So that when you view it in a different state of mind, you might find yourself saying, its not that bad. The key is always to keep your thoughts fluid and in motion. It is never good to dwell on any one thing for a very long time, be it joyful or filled with sorrow.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Respectfully Yours

Reaching the top means different things to different people....Some people set their own standards and some have a comparative perspective. The latter class dont believe in reaching the top of the ladder. They will be sufficient to stand on the middle rungs as long as everyone else is below them.

These are the type of people who believe that the only way to be considered the topmost, to be respected is to play down others or to insult others. This is an attempt either to convince girls which is common among most of the guys around, or even more pathetic, an attempt to
convince themselves. So we see people shouting and mistreating at underlings or bristling when they feel that they are being "disrespected". They will shout at vendors, or mere attendants when they feel people are not being polite to them or curtseying like they think mere flunkeys
should when talking to Them. To earn respect you must give respect. Respecting a person is indifferent from ones status. It is not the same as bowing down or showing deference. Respect is always mutual. A person respects the people working for him or under him and in turn earns
respect. One does not lessens ones dignity by respecting an inferior. One only arouses respect in others by proper conduct and show of respect, not lessen it.

If you are deluded enough to believe that people have nothing better to do than disrespect you all the time, then the problem is yours. You probably suffer from an insecurity complex. Also people need to respect themselves to get respect. If you dont respect yourself you can hardly
expect others to do the same. At this point i must clarify the difference between respecting oneself and being vain. If you are a high up person, or a person with responsibility, you must appear presentable. There is a way of carrying oneself and maintaining ones dignity in the
presence of others. If you ignore this things, people tend to take a different view of you. I have seen enterpreneurs and very highup persons arriving for work in a casual t shirt and jeans or foregoing shoes for the more comfortable but hardly presentable floaters or sandals. If you
are casual in a formal situation, you cannot people for taking you for granted or treating you casually.


Heroes have it tough. They have a hard life and circumstances do their best to put them in tricky situations. In Greek mythology one of my favorite heroes was Achilles. Disillusioned youth, a magnificient warrior, he was cursed to fight the right war for the wrong reasons. Maybe
even on the wrong side.

Its uncanny how many similarites he shared with Karna of Mahabharat. Incidentally Karn was my favorite hero from the series. Both Achilles and Karna fought on the wrong side in the great war. Both were killed wrongly, through deceit. Both were roumored to be invincible. While Karna was blessed with a magic armor, Achilles went in for the more mythical and less cumbersome, magical river dip. Most importantly inspite of all the circumstances pitted against them, they
went down in posterity as the greatest heroes men have known.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

In Graphic Detail
This one time i was hanging out wit some friends and a friend of mine, for some reason (99% to make conversation with a chick) tells a girl "U know, Kaavish reads comic strips in the papers". I had about ten different comebacks for that remark. The fact that i didnt use a
single one of them is a different matter altogether. People always associate comics with childishness and immaturity. I believe this has something to do with the fact that little children and infants have books with pictures on them. Also comics in India is something generally associated with kids. Its not surprising considering the abysmal quality of comic books in India. Bad grammar, bad language, bad stories.

Everything teaches us something. Even comics. In fact i dare any person to completely understand all the words in the Calvin & Hobbes series. Or even the philosophy behind them. Even cartoons. Half the people i know wouldnt understand many of the cartoons. Maybe thats why they mock. Cuz people do have a tendency to play down things that stymies them. What we dont understand is beneath us is their attitude. If u cant join em, trash em.

What people need to understand is that in this day and age, cartoons are not something childish or just for children. Animation is a pathbreaking technology. It is a cheaper and more exiting alternative when telling ur stories. I mean movies like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Shrek are among the top grossing movies of all time. U cant tell me that something that earns so much is enjoyed just by children. For my part I intend to keep reading comics, watch
cartoons. Because they are good fun, pass time nicely and i dont give a damn what some half baked person says when thinking with his d**k rather than his brain.

So go order ur Tintin, Calvin & Hobbes or Asterix collection. Or kick back with a nice Disney/Pixar or Dreamworks DVD


They claim that to make a girl it took.....sugar and spice and everything nice.....maybe thats why girls are weird...i mean are we preparing some stupid gujarati dish..cmon who
mixes sugar and spice..its a damnfool combo

Everything is fair....and love is war

life is not like an icecream....and its not a piece of cake...or a cup of tea...its all of them rolled into one so u cant enjoy anything and all flavor is lost..

Variety is the spice of much of it can cause soul cancer

Behind every successful man there is a woman....holding her hand out for his hard earned salary

They say love changes everything.....they forgot to mention it changes things for the worse

it is paradoxical how people believe in love at first sight and yet claim love is blind

If a man's mind is potentially dangerous....a womans mind is absolute devastation and mayhem

Love is a dream..........marriage is when you wake up

Physical dependence on any substance is dangerous for the body....emotional dependence on anyone is devastating to the soul
Fewer women suffer from heart disease and stress illnesses.......majority of them are the cause
of such diseases in men

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Well here we all another big muddle again. What started as a one day match proposed by a overzealous and misguided Congress has been turned into a long drawn Test Match by BJP and its co terrorists full of malice and misintent. Imagine the calendars being printed...Bharat Mata astride a lion with Shivraj Chauhan (mp dictator) as her son. This scenario is politically incorrect, biologically incorrect, ideologically incorrect and also incorrect on many other
scenarios. Besides why isnt she astride a Tiger, our national animal. Well i think its cuz even the NDA realise that they dont deserve the majesty that a tiger brings into a situation.

I personally believe where they went wrong was in trying to publish calendars. What they should have done was come up with comic books. It might have had some remunerative benefits and it certainly would be a lark. I also refuse to believe for a moment that the BJP would have started a vande matram rally if there had not been protests from Islam quadrants. They just want to rub it in. I do wonder, that since Muslims have a strong aversion to pigs (and rightly so i
believe) why havent the extremists gotten around to trying make it into a national symbol or turn it into something reverential.

This also reminds me of a newspaper article. Students of some school were being taught english. When the question of enunciation came, opinion was divided as to whether it should be G for Ganesh or G for Gadhaa (donkey in hindi).
G for ganesh was assumed to be religously biased. Ultimately the debate reached then president Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma who decreed that G for Gadhaa was termed to be more secular. Saalaa Gadhaa. What i dont understand is that if the subject under consideration is english why wasnt it G for Gold or G for Gourd ..or the most secular of them all G for God (of course this could displease the atheists) .Ive said it before and ill say it desh kaa kuch nahi ho saktaa!!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Several people believe that beauty commands power. For example, a majority of the male youth on this planet take it as granted that it is the privilege of beautiful women to command what they will of them. It is their birthright. While that is an incorrect perception and a different matter altogether, the point I am striving to make here is that the converse of this is also true. Power itself is beauty. Power is foreful, compelling and majestic. Beauty is in power. Majesty exudes beauty. Anything majestic, regal and powerful has to be beautiful in some sense. A streak of lightning across the sky, a tiger roaring in the prime of youth, while they may inspire fear to an extent also have a certain asthetic quality that command a second glance (which unfortunately is not possible in case of the lightning). The hum of a Ferrari, the powerful throttle of a sports bike, the feel of a Beretta, the grip of a swiss army knife, remote of a plasma TV...(sorry got a bit carried away back there) all cause a certain thrill to the rightminded person. And while jealous women may taunt us by quoting 'the Freudian Theory on male obsession with size', as regards the large objects that we might possess(The Theory states that men who surround themselves with large things are compensating for a certain lack of size.....well u know where) they can make no such claims about powerful objects. So they have to be satisfied by quoting the oft quoted cliche "oh, boys and their toys". At some point man must have subconciously realised this connection because he gives powerful things the most pleasing look and the most ezquisitely beautiful outer covering (the examples of the car, bike, gun and army knife earlier mentioned come to mind). Who ever heard of a beautiful Fiat Padmini or an ugly Ferrari. Which is also why those modified Indian bikes only inspire ridicule.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Misery loves company. Company shares misery and makes it less or maybe even makes it go away. But driving away misery is only one way out. Misery suffered in solitude can be dangerous. It is not for everyone. It can make a person depressed, make him go mad, even suicidal. But if a person is strong enough to bear it, it can help him. Misery is like an ocean, a person who has no stamina, who does not know how to swim can drown. But a person daring enough to swim, one who is strong enough to bear its strong current, and fight its undertow can go to new places in this ocean. Misery is a powerful motivator. The greatest modern poets write about misery and melancholy (or so ive heard. Personally i could never get thru one of their poems without falling asleep 17 times). Some of Shakespeares greatest works are tragedies (again never read them in all their glory). Some people let their emotions rule supreme. We are influenced by a spectrum of emotions like, infatuation, love, lust, hate, anger, elation, joy. If we allow ourselves to be influenced with all these emotions, then why not be influenced by misery. Why are we so quick to dispel this emotion, this burdgeoning feeling?

Monday, July 17, 2006


All this superhero buzz has prompted me to write something about my fav. heroes. This summer has witnessed a deluge of superheroes...the good (superman, x-,men) the terrible (krissh) and the ugly (that akshay guy in alag) Superman is the ideal hero for every generation. Initially he was preferred just because he had the most awesome powers, he was invulnerable and he was the mightiest of all heroes.
Slowly realising this folly people started leaning towards Batman as their ultimate hero, he was without powers, he was mortal and he was flawed. Above all he was a self made man who changed his situation and the circumstances around him to become one of the most powerful heroes feared and respected. But I like Superman and i will now procceed to give the logic for my argument. Most people believe in fate. What happened was fated to happen, it was destiny. Nothing happens by accident, situations and circumstances were meant to take place, people are what they are by fate. In such a situation, a man was chosen by fate to have all the power in the world, to be the mightiest being on the planted and among the most powerful
in the universe. Only a real hero can be chosen to weild such power. Even without his powers and his special abilites, being the kind of man he is, Kal El, or Clark Kent, would have been among the greatest heroes ever. It is what he is that makes him special, not just his powers. And that is why i claim, that there can never truly be a Superman.

No one person, one man can be entrusted with such a wealth of power and might. No one is that honest, courageous, altruistic or heroic. And so i sadly claim that there can never be a Superman. We learn from our follies, our mistakes. A flawed man would make the best enforcer. I have watched and observed myself as I slowly let go of my beliefs and principles, and fell into follies and errors because it was difficult to hold onto my beliefs or maybe because i just lacked the willpower. I degenerated something that i would have not thought possible few years ago. And
as i observed myself, as i threw my mind back, i saw my mistakes and observed my follies and hus realised where i had gone wrong. And now i would be among the best persons to consult on what not to do. This is true for many other people. No person is perfect. More importantly no person is complete. So there can never be one man who can be completely in charge, who can be completely trusted with everything. Hence i claim that there can never be a superman entrusted with all the might in the world. Because even real saints arent that saintly.


so people ask me how can i say things or give out dictums about love having never experienced
the obsecene infatuation (that passes for love) myself. Let me ask you...does one need to
have jumped down a well himself to know that it is an unwise thing to do, does one need to put
oneself in front of a running bus to know that it is a foolish move? People cannot fall in
love. The most that can happen is one man can find the least irritating and ideally suited
person for him. And there can only be one such woman for every man.
In a world where we form relationships of convinience it would be the most convinient one.
Then how is it that multiple men end up chasing few women with several claiming about one
particular female that she is the one for him or conversely he is the one for her? It is rare
that an ideal woman may exist for a man. It is rarer still that she may be of the same age
group as him. It is even rarer that she will be of the same age group and have the same
background and ethnicity which is especially important in the Indian society. Rarer still
is the fact that she lives in the vincinity or even the same country. Rarer is the chance
that he will ever find her in his lifetime. But rarest of all is the chance that they will
fall in "love" with each other. So several guys wooing for a few girls and one of them
managing to land her isnt love.......its just getting something that u have been obsessed with.
This fact will be noticeable when after getting your girl, ur enthusiasm wanes and slowly u
lose the early interest and passion that you once had. Because the thrill of the chase is
over. And life hereafter will be stagnant....the fun is over..things can only go wrong from

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I love exploring the human psyche...Some people consider it like
unlocking a door, some compare it to reading a book.I personally
disagree with the key lock wouldmean that each person needs adifferent key...the book theory i can identify with...different books have different content, different styles and languages. But I personally feel that understanding a human mind is like picking a lock. Each lock is slightly different but the principles are the same. And its better to practice with your own lock, er, mind. Learn to pick one lock and u have taken ur first step towards picking others(or towards a life of crime whichever may be the case). Understanding C++ is the basis to learning computer programming. Similarly understandyourself and you'll be surprised at how easy it is to understand others. Its also surprising how many people , though they may claim tounderstand others have surprisingly little knowledge about themselves.

Understanding urself is also very important for other obviousreasons. There are numerous, varied and complex factors affecting the human thinking proccess yet once things fall into place we realise that it all takes place according to a certain pattern. Is there any weakness greater than not knowing ur own strengths? Is there any strenght greater than knowing ur own weaknesses? I should think not. But knowing ones tendencies is not always a pleasant task..often knowledge can tend to shock wonder they say ignorance is bliss. How does a person attain maturity...more importantly how does one know when one does? I think its when u realise that life is a neverending experience and never overestimating oneself. The human mindweb is more intricate than anything that even spiderman could weave. ITs impossible to discern all the shapes and sizes so our only hope is to detect a pattern and learn to predict. The only way to defeat ur opponent is to learn to think like him and the most important games and the most dangerous ones are the MIND GAMES.

Friday, June 30, 2006


ANGER CANNOT BE CONTAINED. IT CAN ONLY BE MANAGED -------- Kaavish Kidwai, perinneal thinker, eternal loser.
Anger is one of the most debated emotions in the world. Lets face it we cant supress it likezen masters or trappist monks thats for sure. Rage has to be let out or it can consume you. Rage is good and it is bad. It can get you high or it can get you depressed. Rage also has a very weird way of changing your perspective. Things about others that you find amusing and endearing can turn to annoying and irritating when you getangry at that person. For example, a person is frank and forward with you and takes literally the phrase mi casa, su casa. The moment you get angry at that person you hate his guts and his "overbearing attitude". rage also helps you get a moment of clarity. A person may vent poison when in anger but it is righteous poison. Whatever he may say, no matter how cruel or bitter is the truth. It may be a truth that he will later regret getting out in the open but its the truth nonetheless.
An angry person finds it easier to maintain his sanity. But not every angry person. An angry person who is not afraid to vent his anger. He needs to be able to let loose and free his mind. It helps clear the mind and keep sane. A person who for any reason has to bottle up his anger is bound to go crazy. Swear words and ungentlemanly expressions are not something that signify an uncouth soul or an unrefined nature. They provide an outlet for anger and were it not for them most of the people would have red cheeks flushing with hot blood. I personally though may tend to disagree a person without inhibitions and moral scruples, am a secret admirer of that sturdy brand of human race. Not just an admirer i envy them greatly. The way they can vent with a carless f*** u or a thundering tirade of insults and denounciations is something that i find amazing. The only form of outburst i can reconcile myself to is voilence. And here again i am inhibited by the fact that when i hit i go all out and may cause serious injury. Not saying that i am invincible or anything....maybe i might even get beaten up but i might still end up causing serious harm. Thing is, i am an extremely short tempered person who most of the time keeps things bottled up. So if i do show signs of getting physical it generally means i am pushed beyond the limit. This is particularly why i envy people who can let out steam in short regular intervals with practically no harm done. That i will admit, is the more prudent course to take. It also brackets you in the normal category as opposed to being labelled a psycho. As a wise jedi master once said," Anger leads to Hate." But as for me i cant find anything wrong with hate. I find rage and hate much more powerful and wiser emotions than love. They are neither misleading nor delusional. Instead they are powerful and thoughtprovoking. They make you reflect. Hate keeps a person on guard and can keep a person from becoming too trusting which i can assure is one of the greatest follies a person can commit. Whats more, its a folly that can keep manifesting itself. Unlike the case of once bitten twice shy people who do away with hate keep trusting people easily and keep getting heartbroken. Rage is also a powerful motivator. And unlike love it does not motivate one to do foolish things. One might argue that anger leads us to do things that we invariably regret later on. But i can happily claim that i can put forth the same argument about love. Its not just us getting comfortable with others. We might keep our distance but that does not necessarily means that others will too. This kind of bonhomie often results in someone invariably stretching the limits of friendship and offending the other. The endearing quality of taking things for granted in friendship may soon begin to appear as lack of respect of personal space on behalf of the other if you are angry. Which would you designate as the clearer perspective. The least i believe one can do is show his displeasure by giving the invoking person the silent treatment or some such method. Oh how i wish i could be nasty to people. Make unfair cracks on them. I unfortunately defend those who are ganged up on and can in no way make nasty snide remarks to a persons face. People on the other hand appear to have no compunction in this. I refer to you the case of two of my friends who shall remain unnamed, whos name begins with the first letter of the alphabet. Young of mind as they are, they in their naivity tend to show off when in the presence of a large company. Apparently the only means of doing so is not by showing off themselves, which i wouldnt mind in the least bit, but by pulling others down. How different they are when i meet them individually. Pals all around and confiding and sharing their secrets with me (for some unfathomable reason people tend to do that around me) but put them together and its like Hydrogen and oxygen making water ------ or rather, nitric acid and soap making nitroglycerine. The thing to be done, i believe would be mean and nasty to them, individually, to let them know that im no pushover and let them have an earful. I plan to conduct an experiment next time. The next time someone starts giving me flak, in a one on one session, ill let him have it, critisise everything i can about him. Although it will require strength and determination lest i falter in my task ( due to kindheartedness) i shall see it throught. hopefully things will turn out as i want them to.


ANGER CANNOT BE CONTAINED. IT CAN ONLY BE MANAGED -------- Kaavish Kidwai, perinneal thinker, eternal loser.
Anger is one of the most debated emotions in the world. Lets face it we cant supress it likezen masters or trappist monks thats for sure. Rage has to be let out or it can consume you. Rage is good and it is bad. It can get you high or it can get you depressed. Rage also has a very weird way of changing your perspective. Things about others that you find amusing and endearing can turn to annoying and irritating when you getangry at that person. For example, a person is frank and forward with you and takes literally the phrase mi casa, su casa. The moment you get angry at that person you hate his guts and his "overbearing attitude". rage also helps you get a moment of clarity. A person may vent poison when in anger but it is righteous poison. Whatever he may say, no matter how cruel or bitter is the truth. It may be a truth that he will later regret getting out in the open but its the truth nonetheless.
An angry person finds it easier to maintain his sanity. But not every angry person. An angry person who is not afraid to vent his anger. He needs to be able to let loose and free his mind. It helps clear the mind and keep sane. A person who for any reason has to bottle up his anger is bound to go crazy. Swear words and ungentlemanly expressions are not something that signify an uncouth soul or an unrefined nature. They provide an outlet for anger and were it not for them most of the people would have red cheeks flushing with hot blood. I personally though may tend to disagree a person without inhibitions and moral scruples, am a secret admirer of that sturdy brand of human race. Not just an admirer i envy them greatly. The way they can vent with a carless f*** u or a thundering tirade of insults and denounciations is something that i find amazing. The only form of outburst i can reconcile myself to is voilence. And here again i am inhibited by the fact that when i hit i go all out and may cause serious injury. Not saying that i am invincible or anything....maybe i might even get beaten up but i might still end up causing serious harm. Thing is, i am an extremely short tempered person who most of the time keeps things bottled up. So if i do show signs of getting physical it generally means i am pushed beyond the limit. This is particularly why i envy people who can let out steam in short regular intervals with practically no harm done. That i will admit, is the more prudent course to take. It also brackets you in the normal category as opposed to being labelled a psycho. As a wise jedi master once said," Anger leads to Hate." But as for me i cant find anything wrong with hate. I find rage and hate much more powerful and wiser emotions than love. They are neither misleading nor delusional. Instead they are powerful and thoughtprovoking. They make you reflect. Hate keeps a person on guard and can keep a person from becoming too trusting which i can assure is one of the greatest follies a person can commit. Whats more, its a folly that can keep manifesting itself. Unlike the case of once bitten twice shy people who do away with hate keep trusting people easily and keep getting heartbroken. Rage is also a powerful motivator. And unlike love it does not motivate one to do foolish things. One might argue that anger leads us to do things that we invariably regret later on. But i can happily claim that i can put forth the same argument about love. Its not just us getting comfortable with others. We might keep our distance but that does not necessarily means that others will too. This kind of bonhomie often results in someone invariably stretching the limits of friendship and offending the other. The endearing quality of taking things for granted in friendship may soon begin to appear as lack of respect of personal space on behalf of the other if you are angry. Which would you designate as the clearer perspective. The least i believe one can do is show his displeasure by giving the invoking person the silent treatment or some such method. Oh how i wish i could be nasty to people. Make unfair cracks on them. I unfortunately defend those who are ganged up on and can in no way make nasty snide remarks to a persons face. People on the other hand appear to have no compunction in this. I refer to you the case of two of my friends who shall remain unnamed, whos name begins with the first letter of the alphabet. Young of mind as they are, they in their naivity tend to show off when in the presence of a large company. Apparently the only means of doing so is not by showing off themselves, which i wouldnt mind in the least bit, but by pulling others down. How different they are when i meet them individually. Pals all around and confiding and sharing their secrets with me (for some unfathomable reason people tend to do that around me) but put them together and its like Hydrogen and oxygen making water ------ or rather, nitric acid and soap making nitroglycerine. The thing to be done, i believe would be mean and nasty to them, individually, to let them know that im no pushover and let them have an earful. I plan to conduct an experiment next time. The next time someone starts giving me flak, in a one on one session, ill let him have it, critisise everything i can about him. Although it will require strength and determination lest i falter in my task ( due to kindheartedness) i shall see it throught. hopefully things will turn out as i want them to.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It would surprise you to notice how many of your choices are made not by your likes and dislikes but the popularity of the thing itself. You may have a great computer game for example... A while later you may get tired of it and say whats the big deal in it. But suddenly you find that game is all the rage over the internet and television programmes and your love for it is renewed all of a sudden. Or when you give the game to a freind secure in the knowledge that you are not going to pine for it in the forseeable future. And all of a sudden this freind comes along and raves about the how awesome it is and what fun he is having. And all of a sudden you realise how foolish you have been and crave to get it back once more. Substitute the game in the above example with any no. of examplles....a gadget, a gizmo, a toy, a music cd, a cool cap anything. Distance makes love grow oft quoted saying and it about sums up the thing....puts it in a nutshell so to speak. But we know for a fact now that good advertising is equally powerful if not more. Advertising depends upon the subtelity, method and also the source. If your parents were to say, parise some trinket or gadget or anything that they got for you, it probably wouldnt do much for you. But if the same object is praised by another person, if not outright then by his attitude towards it, then the stock of that object rises considerably in your opinion.

Lets face it, few of us had actually heard, let alone read the lord of the rings before the movies. But after the movies, it caught on like a fad in the sixties and influenced us considerably. This is one of the reasons why i have oddly enough developed a prejudice against advertised things. But not in all aspects. Take music for example, id much rather enjoy a song that i discover on the internet, or a music channel, than listen to one thrust upon me by some overenthusiastic music buff who gets high on everything from death metal to girlie pop. The same also goes for book in my case. Maybe its the ego factor at wanting to 'discover' things on my own. Whatever the case, i prefer finding out things on my own accord. Maybe its the hunter instinct inherent in all of us.


What is most important to you. Some say their lives, some say dignity, some say self respect, some claim honor. What many people dont figure in this equation is sanity. Its only until you start losing it till you can realise how important it is. But by the time u start losing it ur too crazy to realise it. Subcconciously or conciously most of the things that we do is for the sake of our sanity. People will go to any lengths to maintain their sanity. The lesser the boundaries the easier it is to stay sane. Sanity is indirectly proportional to the amount of activity in ones life. People who can vent their feelings without hesitation, who say whats on their minds and are generally less inhibited find it easier to maintain their sanity. Sanity is one of the most difficult to maintain in the world we live in. And sanity is also among other things --- a good song or truth for instance ------ a point of view. If one labours under the delusion that one can convince every person in the world that he is sane, id say that one is laboring under a delusion. If you try to convince people of ur sanity, they will disbelieve you if they consider that you are insane, and if they dont, then there is nothing to prove.....the classic catch 22 instance put forth by the book. (catch 22 i have observed is possibly the greatest irony that life has to offer, and occurs in almost every walk of life. Little wonder then that Catch 22 is among my favorite books.) Insanity can also be good for a person. As long as he knows that he is sane, he little cares what others things. In fact he might even like being labelled insane. In such cases he takes for granted that insanity means not sticking to given parameters and defying conformity. And in a word that means "rebel". Who doesnt like being labelled a rebel. As it is cool to be considered different the trappings of stereotypicality or conformity are to be avoided at all costs. But within, what a person wants most is to remain sane. And that can be a very difficult thing to do in todays world.

Gentlemen and Gentlemen

Why is a gentlemans gentlemanliness guaged only in respect to his attitude toward ladies......if there were no ladies would there be no gentlemen? Is chivalry the only yardstick of gentlemanliness. Is everything to be expected of us men? Women are just supposed to be satisfied and kept happy. And the minute we fail to do that we become unsuitable and ghastly if we are mere acquaintainces and selfish and demanding if we are spouses or significant others. In spite of all this women demand rights and equality and all sorts of bullshit and go around acting as if they are being treated unfairly. Oh and the way they try to mould us ud think they were bally proffessional sculptors. They try to change us so they can like us but when we change ourselves they find we are too different from the person they knew and dont like us anymore. Its a damned catch 22 situation. Why are all the boys who dont talk to girls considered bad eggs. In a school or college the boys who stick together and have nothing to do with girls are automatically assumed to be the bad sort and are to be avoided. This kind of prejudice is absurd as absured as the caste reservations imposed upon the masses by the government. Girls have this weird tendency to move together. hell they even go to the bathroom in groups. But the moment guys move around together it is a gang. Chattering girls are considered friendly and sprightly but the moment a guy opens his mouth to share an opinion he is labelled a chatterbox. Chivalry is overrated. Personally id hold the door open for anyone and have often given up my seat for close personal friends whom i see standing. But ill be damned if i ever hold the door open to please a proud overbearing snob of a girl or give up my seat for someone who i dont care about and dont know from adam. Why people go out of their way to be polite to appease some godforsaken snobbish girl who they in all probability will never see again is something beyond my comprehension. The most important thing to remember which no one at least 99 % of the straight boys population does not remember is that one must under no circumstances loose control of our brains. A person who controls his brain is the safest. A person who lets himself get controlled by his brain might be in for a wee bit of trouble. But the person knee deep in alligator infested murky waters, so to speak, is he who lets himself be controlled by his testosterone surge. And that is a polite way of putting ---- being controlled by his loins. He will definitely regret it later....but in the moment he commits the rashest acts possible. That may be one of the reasons i hold prejudice against the "unfairer sex". Ive seen several friends reduced to blubbering, slobbering idiots without a mind of their own. Nothing induces them to stop their embarassing behavior. They refuse to listen to the voice of reason i.e. mine. Give women and inch and they want an entire kingdom. When i tell you its time to show them their place, i might sound cruel, like an old fashioned, narrow minded patriarch but let me assure you i am not. Its just that the attention provided to them has gone to their heads and they now believe that the world is theirs for their taking. I for one am completely in favor of dispelling this notion from their minds. Besides women like dominating males, i hear.

Monday, June 05, 2006


Women have no apparent purpose in this world. But i believe that their existence does
serve a purpose. They were sent to try mens souls. To test them to the utmost. Sometimes when i feel particularly uncharitable i think they were sent here by the devil himself to destroy
mankind. But unfortunately man cannot survive without them. Forget the emotional aspect.
Survival without them is biologically impossible. There is no such thing as a good girl or a
happy marriage. Marriage is at best an arrangement of convinience. I like to think of it not as
a symbiosis but a mutually parasitical relationship. Of all the prophets and messengers sent by
the Almighty how many were females? None. They are unreasonable, impractical and devious
minded. They plan and plot and hide a twisted mind behind an innocent exterior. First they will
make u hang on ur everyword. Only when u are completely dependable on them will they show their real side. When i say things like this most people assume that ive crashed and burned before or that ive been dished dirt by a girl at somepoint in my life. I mean, come on, is it really so hard to believe that someone can be practical minded and wise enough to avoid them like a plague and learn from the experiences and follies of others. Take a good look around you, at some friend who is seeing someone, whos dating and you will find that hes not the same man as he was before. Hes changed and not for the better. He has a permanently grave expression on his face like his whole life is one big funeral procession. He cant do the things that he wants to do. He may pretend to not like doing guy things anymore like just hanging out or watching action movies all day or countless other things that he used to enjoy before. But in truth he wants to do those things equally bad. Plus the emotional strain is unbearable. Also consider the load on ones pocket. It is a huge weight on ones pocket to date someone. I mean, why should us guys shell out for everything on a date, every meal and every cup of coffee that we have together. And the thing is taken as granted. That would only mean that it is understood that the girl is doing us a huge favor by even going out with us or seeing us and it is only fair of us to return the favor by doing all the financial spending.

In this age when women are joining all fields and enjoying being "advanced" in an age
where they clamour for equality and equal rights and things some things still never change. We
still end up giving up our seats to them, or going around letting them having the first go at
things. Why should the concept of 'ladies first' be still alive if they want equality. Recently
the female players agitated in wimbledon to get equal money as the male players in the cash
prize. I mean, come on, they play lesser no. of sets so its only fair that they get less money.
If they want more money i suggest they try playing five sets in the sweltering heat. Why do
they still get priority in most situations over men? Why do they still have reservations in
educational institute if they clamor for equality? And why do we still end up spending money on
everything on a date if they want equality? Also consider this - can we hit out when taunted by
a girl like we would at a guy in the same situation. Girls can go and say even the rudes and
most insulting things to the meanest guy around and come away unscathed.. Then they pretend this is bravery. Of course it is to be expected that the guy is not going to hit out on them. There is no question of bravery. It just goes to highlight our ridiculous position in the state of things. I sincerely believe its time to change all this.Theres a saying that u cant have ur cake and eat it too. But with women they have their cake, eat it too and we end up paying for the damn thing. They end up having their way and yet manage to make you feel miserable about the way you treat them. They exploit you at every turn and when you are finally and completely sapped they start complaining and finding various faults with you. Exploitation followedby dessecrations. In spiders there is only one subspecies known as the Black widow. For humans, every woman is a black widow. They clamor for women rights and stuff When they are not content with destroying Man.


Rules and regulations were introduced by society. But unconventional people, out of the box thinkers dont always do well in a world riddled with rules. The fabric of society has thickened over the period of time. Civilisation has progressed.....but has it really? They say that we are better more sophisticated and more well behaved than our ancestors. Well to be frank, all i find is that we are leading more complicated lives. More comfortable yes. But that comfort has come at a price. Wy is civilisation better? Or if we are civilised and live by stupid and useless rules, why is it so good? Because the British said so? here is a race that fought even its war by rules. Pretended to be high and mighty and better than the rest while they tried to
conquer the entire world and set up colonies in the name of civilisation.Sometimes it is to be wondered whether man is adapting or imitating. Adapting animals can adapt
back or to be precise can revert back. Man unfortunately has no such abilities. Thus it can safely be said that man does not adapt. Rather he is a parasite to his surroundings. And when hes done with one he moves on to the next surrounding. Each time he learns a little and each time he destroys a lot. While civilisation has its drawbacks, rules and discipline are good things. They are necessary and character building. But rules created by others are hard to follow. The best
rulesw one can follow are the ones that one makes up himself. Similarly discipline imposee on us by others is hardly beneficial or healthy. It only goads us further as outlaws and rebels. The best and most healthy form of discipline is the self imposed kind. Everybody has his idea and concept of things and likes to live accordingly. Everybody has his own set of rules. You wont find a person without a set of rules. A person might be lawless but you dont see a ruleless person. That is why no system can be perfect. The system that comes closest to perfection is a dictatorship and that too only if you are the dictator. Rules are meant to be a convinience and
not an encumberance. Civilisation has definitely complicated things. Hypocritic pretences, unwonted and tiresome pleasantries, useless civilites must be observed at all times. In their heart of hearts everyone wished they didnt have to do it but now its like a social rank or a status symbol. Everyone must keep up the pretences. We are effectively trapped within the system we ourselves created. Its like a "Social Matrix". We resent it but we have no choice but to continue with the nuances of civilisation. Its too late to revert to the good old days. Damn the British. One of the most obnoxious races ive ever seen. Worship a queen who is just a parasite on the world. Have absurd sense of humor and will commit the most savage of acts in the
name of civilisation.


Mission: Impossible 3/ M:i:III
The third installment in the spy saga featuring superagent Ethan Hunt. One amazing storyline, some conceptual changes that some fans may find hard to digest. The storyline has improved from the second movie and the acting is intense and amazing. Dazzling stunts and action sequences. Tho Ving Rhames one liners are a bit stale at times. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable movie tho somehow i found the second one more appealing...but maybe thats cuz im a mindless action junkie. The music is not that great and the title song is simply horrible. Kanye West.....what were they thinking.

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
If its not one thing then its another. Initially it was the freezing up. Now they flee from the floods caused by the melting ice. The three lovable misfits are on the move again. Some of the novelty of the original might have worn off but that wont stop u from having a great time. The humor and the punchlines still pack a punch. The voice acting is flawless. The love angle is handled with hilarity and senstivity in perfect balance. The thing thats taken as granted in a prequel becomes big issue in the sequel and ice age 2 has fallen for the same cliche. The fearless tiger has fears and the ridiculed sloth finally craves for respect. The storyline couldve been slightly better but all in all the movie is a great treat for all ages. Another worthwhile journey that is a must watch.

36, China Town
Typical case of the butler did it that went out ages ago but nothing is too low or too old for the indian audiences. The humor is mostly slapstick with spasmodical moments of genuine mirth. Akshaye Khanna has a way too late entry and Upen Patel is just a showpiece with a few dialogues which are cliche at best. Overall u can watch it if u have nothing better to do.
P.S. The above reviews are not meant to be a work of art or a prosaic form of poetry with fancy words and artistic metaphors. They are a quick practical overview and recommendation for interested movie buffs.

The latest fare from yashraj films. Quite an interesting concept. One can see why Aamir agreed to do it. But a little too much emphasis is given on the love angle and little less on the action part. All in all an enjoyable film worth seeing at least once. Its quite obvious from the script and songs tho that the movie was made for the King Khan and not the Prince Khan.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dead Ends of the Mind

Ever notice how people seem to reject things that you find perfect or flawless. For example, your mother might disapprove of your choice of girl despite the fact that she may be perfect for u and faultless. Its probably due to a mental block that a person develops. He subconciously prepares himself to dislike what you are about to show him. Sometimes when you introduce a new friend to an old and very close friend the latter will later tell you everything that he finds wrong in the former. Or you may find that when you tell someone of a new discovery like a great song that you just heard or a fabulous movie that you just saw, no matter how great it might be the other person might reject it or call it mediocre. These are all examples of mental block.
Various factors can lead to a mental block. It may be protectiveness in case of the first example. It is invariably jealousy in the second example. As for the third, the reason i believe is ego. Let me explain. When someone rejects ur discovery it may be due to the fact that u cant stop raving about it so hes determined to prove u wrong. Or he resents the fact that it was you that discovered it and not him or it may be because u found fault with some previous discovery of his.
Sometimes the opposite of a mental block may also exist. It depends on how the thing is shown or advertised as the case may be. In such a case no matter how dumb the product people will always pretend to like it. In some absurd way they manage to convince themselves that they like it so its no longer even a pretence. A prime example would be the fashion sense of people nowadays. Sometimes people can project things in such enticing light that we feel the need to like it. Not liking it would be uncool and being uncool is social death. So we like things that are cool and dislike things that are supposed to be uncool. Oh we may secretly like them but we have to keep up the pretence. For example some people want to be recognised as true rock fans. Their first step is not usually liking all rock music but trashing the various other genres. Then they go in for the various categories that rock holds and pretend to like them all. All that can be said of such people is that they have lesser control over their minds but they let their minds and imagination control them.They need to take a hard look at themselves because they are letting their lives be defined by others.

Its My Life.....Or Is It?

Projection is a form of proxy living or another way of looking at it wold be as a simulation, a virtual reality game that one plays with oneself. It is living ones life through others or by other means. It occurs when u want to hang out with cool guys or when a father wants his son to become a doctor/lawyer/engineer when he himself is none of these. When you have passed a certain phase or are in one and it does not go according to your plan later when one gets the chance he subconciously tries to relive the moments throught the lives of others. Another variation is what i like to call Passive Projection, or to aptly put it, Non-Interactive Projection. That occurs when one tries to live ones live through inanimate mediums, like movies, televisions, books or even computer games. This kind of projection is one practised by everyone to a greater or lesser extent. I personally do it through books, action/comedy flicks, gruesome and hardcore action games and tv sitcoms. Its fantasising about what we really want, the kind of lives and careers that we want but cant have. Projection is like a delusion a world in which we immerse ourselves for a little while to escape the atrocities and challanges of the real world. In fact i think that passive projection is even healthy for people. Its a kind of therapy that provides some brief respite to us. Only we must be in control so that we can draw the line and not overdo things.

confidence stems from knowlegde and belief. Arrogance arises from delusions.------Kaavish Kidwai, ETERNAL LOSER
Deslusions can be necessary....meditaition, support and therapy groups, they are all delusions induced into a person like a hallway of magic mirrors each mirror reflecting a persona that in someway boosts ur ego...helping u vsiualise urself the way u want to. Laughter is medicine. Laughter is therapeutic. Sarcasm is a defense mechanism. Sarcasm is a wall u build around urself. Humor...humor is and essential part of life. Humor is the oxygen for ur sanity. Humor is what keeps u sane and safe from the madness that surrounds u like a freshwrap plastic bag or a transparent bowl of airtight tupperware. Insane asylums are not for crazy people. It is for people whos craziness becomes a hazard to themselves and others. It is a place for people whos craziness interferes with their daily lives and who take craziness to the next level. For people who are more crazy than the others. Because everyone is crazy from some perspective. No man, not even George Washington, Gandhi, hell not even Sigmund Freud has a unanimous or universal appeal. Somehwhere someplace there is a person who thinks they are crazy. Sometimes being crazy is the easiest option. Sometimes u need to go crazy just to stay sane. But if ur crazy how do u really know that..Its a Catch 22 situation. Everyone needs to build a shell aroundthemselves. Everyone feels the need for protection. People automatically assume that the world is hostile towards them. Better safe than sorry. Even the most confrontational person needs a defense mechanism. A man is only truly happy in the house that he builds. This saying can be true at all levels. The most eccentric of minds have come up with the most innovative of ideas. If ur ideas are useful ur madness becomes eccentricity. If they prove worthless ur just a raving lunatic, a case fit for the local asylum. Indulgence is directly proportional to the objects worth. But a man does what he must. Though it may seem like wearing a camouflage in a city block it is the illusion that matters. Whats important is what the mind believes. One only needs to convince oneself to surmount most difficulties in the world. And as easy as it may sound...its not.