Thursday, June 21, 2012

Once upon a time, in the beginning, a long time ago

Intentions are the lost children of our age.  Outcomes are the prodigy.  Side effect modulation is an important source of drug discovery I read the other day (to my credit, I was valiantly suppressing yawns while doing so, and not enjoying reading this stuff one bit).  So basically something else morphed and metamorphosed its way into an entirely different thing and now we run with that towards some other goal.  What results is what matters.  Oooh, look, social media can be used for voyeurism.  Look, we can use music to inflict Justin Beiber on these poor unsuspecting folk.  Who cares what the purpose or the root of the matter is.  What matters is how it can be trolled and LOLed about right?  Its more like a chai and suttah with friends....good for a laugh, a share,  and a few comments around it. Its a relay race, except when the baton is passed, its a whole new race in a whole new direction.  

There are versions now.  No basic truth.  Its all a big stack and the cornerstones are forgotten.  No kidding, my room is a friggin seven star haven of antiseptic, sober color, fragrant and temperature controlled neatness compared to the mess I am talking about.  Am I being an obsessive compulsive here?  Isn't there a need to know the thread of events in order to make sense? Yes, sense is overrated you say.  But I say, staying in senses is overrated.  Making sense on the other hand, is the sensible not senile sensationalism.

   The best of intentions are lost and people move to quick to pick up the threads.  Who cares about what was really intended, take things as they are and move onto the next bit of gimmick/entertainment.  If the end is all that matters, why would we care? we do work of course. we have our motivations - petty, myopic, insignificant-even-in-the-scheme-of-our-own-little-universe, motivations to do things.  But make no mistake.  You and I, we stopped caring a long time ago.  We do not hold onto things.  We let go.  Too easily.  We are Frankensteins who do not even bother to go in search of our monsters (Funny how people always refer to the monster as Frankenstein, not the doctor).  There is a profusion of happenings and goings on in the world.  A constant assault on our senses, guaranteed to overload our systems and humble our meagre attention spans.  Life is one diversion after another, a series of digressions, a bunch of non sequiturs clubbed together in a desperate attempt to form some semblance of coherence and meaning.  Against this tide, it only makes sense to go with the flow, not fight the current.  Hansel and Gretel are in the maze and the ball of yarn never unravelled.  It trails along behind them and they are forever lost (mix of analogies here, but really, I prefer a ball of string over breadcrumbs and maze seemed more appropriate than the woods)  John Lennon, you stand corrected.  Life these days, is what happens when you're busy not giving a shit.

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