Friday, December 31, 2010


expressionism is everything. People have half a thought in their heads and they don't let it simmer, let it form properly. It's immediately a Facebook Update. Or a MySpace tagline. Or
a messenger status. Whatever happened to thinking things over? The urge to make themselves be heard is becoming everything. No one wants to weigh the pros and cons or let the thought mature into something better into something more beautiful. Imagine if that is what poets did. Weird couplets and lazy limericks would be all that we ever had. And we would have no epics or sagas or novels. Just simple short stories at best. People no longer realise the beauty of letting an idea take root and germinate, grow and expand and finally turn into a well formed observation.

There are deeper things at work. There are actions and consequences and motivations and the parallel impacts and tangential implications and millions of other things to consider. Often if we ruminate we find our opinion changing or it undergoes metamorphosis into something entirely different. But we never stop and consider. Hence we enter the age of minor witticisms but nothing that is deep or thought provoking.

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