Thursday, May 22, 2008

Captain Courageous ---- Those Brave Few/Many

Like with almost everything else in the world, i have a different opinion about courage. Courage is something that i think everyone possesses. And I dont mean it in the You can do it, look into your heart, climax scene, Luke Skywalker/Frodo/Harry Potter/Tinman (thats from the Wizard of Id for you ignoramuses) sense. I mean everyone has the courage to do different things. And when we see someone doing something that we wouldnt dream of doing or attempting in a thousand years, we promptly title it "Courage".

People often do things subconciously or things that come as second nature to them. Often they are bred in an environment where what they do is considered normal and completely natural. To others these things might seem strange and unique, something they are unable to do or be comfortable with in public. So if a man bred on a deserted island ends up in a restaurant munching with his mouth oben and slurping and slabbering and eating off the table or floor, we might thing, man hes got guts to be able to do that in public, but for him its perfectly normal.

Being able to talk to girls, wearing pink shirts in public, there are all sorts of things that we find unable to do that others do effortlessly. And so we find such people courageous. We might get envious of some (for example the female charmers) and consider the others downright stupid (for me, these would be the effiminate shade donners or the pink pissants as i call them). But to get back to the point, i think being courageous requires a certain amount of detachment. A person from a smaller place, perhaps a village will behave obnoxiously and wont shy from arguing with the teachers and have a "Damned if i care" attitude about ettiquettes only because that is how he grew up. He knows nothing else. He is blissfully unaware of the effect this has on others. We in our naive way just think how brave he is to confront the authority and behave in such a reckless manner. So as i was saying, detachment, or more precisely being unaware is the key. At least at a concious level, one must be oblivious of the consequences and effects of ones actions to carry out the action in a nonchalant or carefree manner.

People who are full of themselves also end up confronting authority or bicker with someone we tend to defer to in a way that makes them appear courageous. But fear has no place in this situation, for them, for the only reason that they are so full of themselves. So basically its all about the mind. Sheer distraction can help you forget things, including fear. So be absent minded, be brave.

On a very different note, i was noticing the ads posted by google on my page. The ads are supposed to be relevant to the contents posted on my page.
And this is what the randomizer, or committee or artificial intelligence at the google saw fit to post on my page:
Hot Girls
Girl Kissing
Teenage Girls
Bad Girl

Makes my site look like a veritable pimp site. I mean c'mon!!!!!! What do i have to do to prove that I am a woman hater, chauvnist and a misogynist.

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