Monday, March 24, 2008

Look out for that Power Coupling!!!!!!!!!!!

Force coupling....well its a physics term. But i use it to describe a social phenomenon. Getting dragged into a couple fight, or even a relationship...getting caught between two people is like getting between two powerful electromagnets or getting in the centre of a power coupling.

Even when they get along, rest assured you will be the one that gets screwed. Its weird how one aspect of a persons life, his love life can affect so much. Love, girls, infatuation or whatever psychosexual term u use, its after all just an aspect of ones life. A minor country in a vast, varied and diverse planet called life.

But there are people who let the feeling take over. They spend every waking moment of their life with their "significant" (overly significant if you ask me....but then no one ever asks me) other. Every step taken is taken for them. And girls are of course experts at playing delicate damsels in distress near a water fountain (read: Lacrimal Glands) with every guy so you can imagine how that act would work on someone obssessed with them. They act in this slave like manner and end up severing most of their normal relations and dynamics. The girl on the other hand - well, she carries around without a care in the world just as she was before (ive had occasion to mention this earlier). And yet, there are some steadfast loyal friends who still put up with this changed soppy guy, who still stand by him and tolerate him. THIS, IS THEIR STORY.

They think they're helping their friend, or doing a favour for their friend but more often than not, the favour, requested personally by the friend himself, often turns out for "her". Thats not all, given a choice, amongst the pecking order, you come third. And speaking of third, thats how "she" probably views you the third wheel in the relation ship. It has its uses, but can be an unwanted hindrance.

So, how do you deal with this situation? Well, try as you might, you cant be straightforward and just talk it out with yourself. Just rememeber that the only one taking you into consideration will be you. Its stupid to get sacrificed for a girl. But its the most crass stupidity, imbecility and idiocy when you make sacrifices for someone else's girl.

1 comment:

Samir said...

geez! and i used to think that i am perhaps a little too practical for my comfort... but though its hard to admit, u beat my by miles. though that wont help us out in our lives when interacting with others.. but who cares, be zen(as uve mentioned earlier... how ever i think its perhaps one of the most useful advices u ve given.. provided u dont attach any particular gender to it... its not worth sacrificing ur life for anyone.. exceptions-ur parents... i think my loyalty starts and ends with them. n i hope to keep it that way..