Sunday, August 12, 2007

Goodness Gracious Green Balls of Fire.

Those green eyes like calm pools that contain a turbulence beneath hitherto unheard of. This is how most of my friends describe their latest passing crush. Well...more or less. That is the gist of what they imply. But as for me, this is how most often i find myself describing another green eyed actually. To quote Shakespeare (oh that is so passe i hear someone moan?) the green eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on. Or something lieketh thateth.

Jealousy is a way of showing possessiveness and affection. A little jealousy is not only ok but essential. It goes to show that you are indeed human and you care. It, rather than imitation is the best form of flattery. But only in controlled healthy doses. Jealousy outside the sphere of rhyme and reason metamorphoses into possesiveness. In love it is essential to show little signs of jealousy to prove that you still care, that they still hold some esteem in your eyes. Little shows of jealousy, showing that you are annoyed is a cool thing. Holding it in is not healthy anyway, its always good to let it out, but as always like with steam and anger, it should be done in short controlled bursts.

Jealousy because of some inherent inferiority complex or insecurities that you might have inevitably gives rise to possesiveness. Keeping tabs or being unreasonably inquisitive and suspicious can never be healthy. Even if you have to probe do it in a lightheartedly provoking manner. And then watch the eyes as they reply.

Every relationship has scope for jealousy. And every relationship is affected the same way. And everytime it arouses because you are unsure of your status, there is a real or imagined fall in your stature. And that invariably means a replacement. Being content with one lot is not in man's and certainly not in a woman's nature. Being a confidante, or a co conspirator or a platonic friend is never enough. We have to dominate every aspect of that persons life. We need to hold the most important status in every emotion and need that they might feel. Being replaced in any category can never be tolerated. The more important position you hold, the more prone to jealousy you become.

But jealousy is not entirely dependent on your status in that persons eye. Fear of being replaced is not the only fodder for that chimaeric green eyed monster. A person to whom you might hold no relevance whatsoever can just as well agitate the fragile peace of your mind. You have to carefully devaluate the person in your mind. But if its a crush you must be careful not to let others opinion devaluate him/her in your eyes. Because that never happens. Internally if not outwardly you end up defending them and espousing their causes. So much so that their esteem in your eyes actually ends up hitting the roof.


Mystery-Dark Glamour said...

I agree to each & every word!!!

The Vallinorean said...


good topic ot write on

mostly it arises from low self esteem....feeling that you are not important enough to that someone