Friday, January 05, 2007

Proving Your Point

Debate and arguement are very different. Yet its very easy to lose sight of the line dividing the two. Most people
thing that an argumentative attitude, and an opinionated view on life are the traits of a good debater. In fact if you look
at a good debater, he is never argumentative. The secret is to be a good listener. Eager as you might be to thrust your
views and opinions in the limelight, listening to what others have to say is much more helpful. Observing them is the key to know how they think. And the ability to think like your opponent is the greatest advantage you can have. If you can do this while keeping your cards close to your chest, its even better. Playing the silent type automatically makes your position stronger....hence the saying, "Strong silent type". Shouting out loud just tilts ur cards and gives others a glimpse into your mind. After all it is better to stay silent and let people think that you are a fool rather than open your mouth and
confirm their doubts.

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