Wednesday, December 31, 2008

OK, Everybody Ready?... Smile!!!!!

In the whole still camera vs the camcorder, i prefer the still camera. With a camcorder, you're too busy recording stuff. You see through the lens and often forget to take a real good look at the thing yourself. As for the video you shoot, life nowadays is too busy to browse through nostalgic videos anyway. Besides still photography is an art. With exhibitions and all. When was the last time you heard of a pulitzer for a camcorder recording.

Now, about this still photography business. Its supposed to capture real moments isnt it? Then why do people keep posing and smiling when it comes to photographs. Maybe they do it so they can have a new profile pic on all ten of the networking sites that they have joined, or may be they have pics to show off on their albums in the same networking sites. But whatever be the case, there is something grotesquely fake and repulsive about a group pose and smile for a photograph. Thats why I hate being photographed. And when they ask me to smile. Well, then its guaranteed the photos gonna be a stinker. If you really need me to fake smile then you gotta give me a few moments to daydream. Then I can imagine some situation and manage a mild smile without looking totally fake and inappropriate.

This is also the case with me when I take photographs. I usually handle the camera in a given situation. For two primary reasons: 1) Photography is something of an ameteur hobby of mine and 2) This way I make sure I dont become a photo casualty i.e. I dont get caught at the wrong end of the camera. Now when people decide and pose and say stuff like "wait, wait, wheres a comb?", "Is my shirt on ok?", "am I visible?" and then finally pose and put on a smile, I lose all the will to click. I prefer spontaneous real moments. Click away when people dont realise I'm doing it, with them being their natural selves.

People have no consideration for things like the perfect setting, capturing the mood etc. These are minor trivialites for them. They will intrude themselves and impose their will on the shot. They refuse to take directions. But at the end of it all, they will insist on checking the camera to see if they came out if the photo is being sent for the damn pulitzer. Go figure!!!

Well, this years coming to an end. I can look forward to more uselessness, still no earning, rejection from the good and decent MBA colleges, more recession, going to the trouble of making new friends etc. On the bright side, I get to leave Bhopal!! yay for me!!!! Have a HAPLESS NEW YEAR everyone!!!!!

Not Funny

You ever notice how if you come close to setting up a joke or are ready to degrade someone in a really funny and cool way, you find it hard to not do it? Even if evidence contrary to your case is presented or if your facts are misconstrued, you still refuse to let go. Case in point panning the poor music this year. They said that even Rehman's best work was a crappy ^&%^&%^ and that is where they quoted a movie. Two words for you losers...Slumdog Millionaire. But that is neither here nor there. Its the idea of selling a joke.

We've seen some of the worse mimics in the reality comedy shows. They mimic anyone and everyone. And sure it is a form of flattery. But being the one who is doing the flattery instead of being flattered is not that cool either. But to get back to the point, people do anything to put appear funny. They steal jokes and tell them to girls as if they were their own, they make fun of people they know nothing about. They will incorrectly rhyme penis with tennis to sell a dirty limerick but they will acheive their ends. Make fun of styles when you have no personality, make fun of a persona when you are an unkown entity. Or simply interpret badge and batch as the same word and make stupid wordplays (yeah, that happens a lot in my college).

Apparently being irreverent, distasteful and downright slanderous is the new cool. Everyone's doing it. But the fact is, they try so hard its painfully obvious