Under Pressure
What I'd really like is to live a nice free life. Earn just enough to sustain myself, have a easy flexible job. Head back to my hole, order some pizza, turn on the music, play video games or read cheap thrillers or comic books. But no. Honour, family, prestige. You have to take these into consideration. You must earn more than those in your circle. You must study and become as qualified as the rest.
You have family pressure, peer pressure to think about. All these attachments and relations bog you down. No wonder the Jedi avoided all attachments including family. Imagine waving around your lightsaber in a fight with you mom nagging you..Obi Wan you'd better be a better swordsman than Master Windu by the time you are his age. You are being trained to compete. Now, even without nagging, you have this competitive spirit. And while this is not necessarily a bad thing, for all those who just want to sit back and enjoy life, this can pose a problem.
There is that school of thought that life isnt meant to be frittered away and we must work hard and take it seriously. But then, doesnt that mean that life is not a gift, but some grave burden that must be borne? Opinions, conformities and traditions hamper then happpiness and satisfaction of man. I mean , if man doesnt know what he wants, how can he be happy in the first place.
Well, of course i cant help having dark thoughts can I now? I mean, 23 yrs old and no respite or success in sight. Happy Birthday to me....Yay