Monday, December 31, 2007

Now Thats What I Want/ Happy 2008

At some level, conciously or subconciously we all care what others think. There is something or the other about us that we want others to know. Shakespeare did say the world is a stage and no one likes to play his part really well unless he has an audience.

Sometimes we just want to achieve something just to be in a position to discard it. We like to be in a position of power just to show that we would not misuse it when we have the opportunity to. Some people just want to be good looking once to show others that it does not make them vain. The list is endless.
Sometimes its just to prove it to ourselves that yes we can have it. Then when we are in a position to attain it, we will discard it. What we actually end up doing is something few know because it will be a rare situation where we end up getting what we want.

At other times its not just to prove it to others. Its to prove it to ourselves as well. This is where zen philosophy comes in handy. Do only what matters to you. Dont think about others and definitely dont think about what you think others think about you...too confusing?? I know. Proving things takes a lot of time...just like the theorems in high school. Ultimately the thing that you desire, or in most cases "She", is never really worth it. When you set out to
prove it to them, you end up magnifying the value of the object of your desire. And you always end up regeretting it, no matter what.

So think zen and stop making someone else the lead character in your story. Its your life, live it Shahrukh Khan large. And have a Rollickin, rockin, ravin, mad crazy NEW YEAR!!!! See ya next yr guys... i know i didnt post much these past few months, got my final yr xams comin up and all, but will post some reviews this time round and some light stuff....not that you (whoever
that may be) cares really!!!! Well, Happy 2008

Of Leashes and Power Couplings

Couples are always difficult to handle. Its like handling an unstable molecule instead of stable free atoms. Together these atoms end up forming a dangerous compound more often than not. Most of the couples go and behave like couples everywhere. That is always difficult. The probably of liking a person is always 50%. But in a couple you have to calculate the probablility of liking
two persons. So the chances are always reduced.

I admire people who do not go proclaiming their commitment status everywhere they go. They are easier to like. It also means they share a healthy free relationship with their partners. There is a sense of balance and trust. They have their better halves but they dont let their lives go spiralling out of control stuck on their leash. They dont turn their partners into a
black hole that sucks their own life like a vortex.

Also girls are really wily in this regard. They usually let nothing affect their private life. They still hang out with their friends, have their fun and pretty much continue with the same lifestyle that they had. They string their guys along on a leash.

Its the poor guy who ends up getting cut off from his friends. He loses touch with his older life. He ends up making all sorts of compromises (guys, raise this point next time ur girl cribs or bitches about making compromises and sacrifices). He ends up in a no mans land and then God help the guy who gets dumped in such a situation. He ends up having nowhere left to go. He will
yearn for his old life back but too late.

Having your own space and privacy in any situation is very important. So it only becomes more important in such circumstances. Prioritize and organise your time and relationships. Never lose sight of who you are and always analyse what you are becoming. Being a twosome can get quite lonesome. And after a while it gets tiresome. Always retain your individual value....just
in case u decide to get back into circulation!!!

Its not always a case of you complete me like Tom Cruise said it in Jerry Maguire...sometimes its ...You eat me up and leave me dead inside!!!!!