Run Baby Run!!!
If one is ambitious such as me then one must not waste time pursuing frivolous human attachments. Note now that i use the word ambitious. I neither attach to this category the attributes of being successful, talented, gifted or otherwise able/capable of anything. Just a burning and yearning desire within to prove oneself to oneself and the world.
Because then this ambition makes us the participants of a race in life. Before this point we are carefree preambulators in the weekend of our life taking a refreshing constitutional. But the moment you have ambitions your Sunday ends. I matters not if you are enterprising and hardworking enough to go to work on Monday but the weekend is at an end. The Starting gun has been fired and the race has begun. And along this road all those that you meet are those who run alongside you.
Invariably in later parts of the race you will either be overtaken by them (most likely in my case) or leave them behind.
Some of them you directly compete against and you have a brush with others. But getting attached will make you set pace by them. You slow down to their level and you lose sight of your goal. That is still ok. But should they turn out to be ambitious and actually have the talent to pursue their ambitions (oh cruel world, and me a defeathered dodo among prancing peacocks!!!!) it is you who is left behind. Besides its a matter of priority. If you are here to achieve something then it doesnt do to adjust urself and your lifestyle according to your friends. In the ambitious and competetive situation that we have created around us, you can take it as a given that everyone around you is out to achieve or prove something. If you notice closely that when it comes to competition many can conviniently forget that you exist, especially when the competition is amongst you.
So being a softie and having your warm temporary Dil Chahta Hai moment is not what you should be aspiring to because the world is cruel and it doesnt pay to care more than the next person, let alone more than the next ten persons combined.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
We live in a let me restate that.....extremely OVERcrowded nation. We are used to company welcome or otherwise. So much so that loneliness has become a difficult and for most of us impossible option. we need to matter to other people. We need to be noticed.
And thats why most of us act cool. Being cool is a real rebel thing. Its what people are no matter what others thing. But to most of us its being perceived cool that matters. To be noticed being indifferent. Trying hard to act like you don't care so that people show you care. And that invariably leads to outrageous stunts, cry for attentions and fashion senses. Clowning around, fooling around, being the butt of jokes with a i don't give a damn attitude...all in a bid to get noticed.
Desperately attempting by-the-minute weirder stunts we are over-eager to achieve the status of cool, thereby ironically acting nething but the frigid state of passivity we strive to attain. Being hot is cool but thats beyond our control, so being cool is hot (confused are ya? well its a crazy world and this is a crazy blog).
When elements enter a cooled state (bear with me as i flaunt what little and grossly inaccurate scientific knowledge i possess) the molecules stabilize, the electrons lose their restlessness, and an ordered state is entered. In human terms it means, a trappist monk in a frozen Tibetian cave who doesn't raise and eyebrow when his long lost brother steps in with Brad Pitt in tow ------ COOL; the guy hanging outside the popular fast food joint with piercings and overlarge belts, wristbands and whatnots surrounded by guys with weird pink and lilac t-shirts with equally appalling accessories --- NOT SO MUCH.
I wonder if its really their fault. Much of the blame lies with the aforementioned wanted/unwanted company. Its mostly the often wanted company at the wrong time hence being 'unwanted company" (whatever that means i hear someone scorn??). Its their million and one reasons of why we are uncool that makes us strive to be cool. I have suffered that fate. Though i must admit with some pride (let me savor my moment. Its not often that i have something to be proud of) that i did not succumb the the Be Cool Syndrome. Friends coming over and nagging me to shave, dress better to cut my hair. You'll look better they say. Girls like clean shaves they say. Match your clothes they nag persistently.
These are the same people who spend an three hours to buy a t-shirt and a whole another day for a decent pair of jeans (I've actually seen my mother buy saris in lesser time - of course she had me to help her chose and to nag). These are the guys who use fairness creams (of three different varieties) and apply face packs, set their hair thrice in five minutes and leave with a comb jutting out of their back pockets. To these guys all id like to say is - THERE'S A FINE LINE BETWEEN BEING METROSEXUAL AND HOMOSEXUAL. AND THAT LINE MY FRIENDS IS DRAWN WITH A FAIR N LOVELY FACE CREAM.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Jhandoo Udte Rahein Hamaare
This sunday morning a friend of mine brought to my attention this well written and witty piece in the Hindustan Times Sunday supplement. Ridiculing several well noted characteristics and traits of us incorrigible Indians it enlarged upon many themes several of which i have noticed myself. For example our tendency to follow ICT instead of IST...i.e. Indian Classical Time instead of Indian Standard Time. We wake up at the time we are supposed to no, let me rectify that, our alarm rings when we are supposed to leave and then we snooze, we wake up, take our time in performing our daily toilets and ablutions and then get ready leisurely. And if you happen to reach an hour before the appointed time, you find you have pipped the host to the winning post. The host, who is supposed to kick of the procceedings must arrive within an hour and a half from the appointed time and no later.
But a few essential and less funnier points were left out and i will try to elaborate on them in the following passages. Bear with me.
Also the tendencies of Gujaratis to spread Gujarat like a lymphoma wherever they go. They not only carry their papads and achars with them but their essential Gujaratiness which is infections...and not necessarily in the good sense like laughter. Like wise the tendency of few South Indians to spread favouritism and segeragation wherever they go.
Hipocrisy is our biggest luxury and corruption is our largest commodity. Corruption sells things and gets things done. But only in India can corruption itself develop into a full fledged albeit officially unacknowleged industry. It is an essentiality and a comfort. Follow all the procedures to the T. Cross your Ts and dot your Is. But unlike older times bribery isnt just to cut the line or jump the gun. Bribery is implied in every step of the proper procedural order.
Hypocrisy. A very essential element of our culture. Diversity is a symbol of our nation. And in many senses. Diversity in our attitude and behaviour, our judgements and beliefs towards the same object or situation in differing circumstances is what is so necessary for our survival. It helps keep up the fragile facade and maintain the delicate balance between our needs and our public image.
The importance to be noticed. To be acknowledged is important. We make it a clear point to recieve no thanks for the favours done but the thanks given is naturally considered a custom a tradition like dowry or a birthday gift. The disinclination to accept it is just a ritual. If the aforementioned thanks is not prooferred even though our contribution may be insignificant even deterrent to the cause we will be so very hurt if thanks are not given. Its like a credit card swish and the digital account is instantly changed....instant gratification.
Guys and girls acting like they are in the west. So influenced by west movies and culture yet constrained and crippled by local customs and sense of proprieties, we end up in a no mans land. And that means being deluded. Check that girl out shes looking at me. shes sending me signals. That guy is all nuts about me. Guys are desperate to have us. Girls pretend they dont care but are among the most desperate creatures, just crying out for attention and to be noticed. These and other misconceptions abound and are accepted by a misguided youth society.
We also have different perceptions of what is vulgar and unethical. Anything that goes against what has been ingrained into us from like forever is vulgar. Secretly enjoy though we may these things, our sense of decorum and decency demands that we condemn and pan these things. Music videos and raunchy ads and R rated movies. Of course belching and farting are part of the natural order as is picking our teeth with open mouthed satisfaction or picking our noses in public. No cant be classified as vulgar...just not cricket...or rather gulli dandaa. I wouldnt be surprised if Mrs. Sushma Swaraj just happened to crack her infamous whip on television channels just because she caught her husband having it off to a midnight tv show on his sofa with his belly, among other areas of his anatomy, hanging out.
Everyone has something to say. Men and Women are a bundle of needs. Indian men and women are a bundle of needs and the needs to express their opinions. Advice is always free and prooferred. Its only a while before some starch fed belching Gujarati hits upon the idea of harnessing advice as the next big moneyspinning industry. Gossiping is in the nature of people. Decorum and decency is maintained in front of our guests always. But that to is always taken literally. IN FRONT of them. Most of the time we are counting off the seconds to their departure so tongues can start wagging and opinions start being formed.
Goodness Gracious Green Balls of Fire.
Those green eyes like calm pools that contain a turbulence beneath hitherto unheard of. This is how most of my friends describe their latest passing crush. Well...more or less. That is the gist of what they imply. But as for me, this is how most often i find myself describing another green eyed actually. To quote Shakespeare (oh that is so passe i hear someone moan?) the green eyed monster that doth mock the meat it feeds on. Or something lieketh thateth.
Jealousy is a way of showing possessiveness and affection. A little jealousy is not only ok but essential. It goes to show that you are indeed human and you care. It, rather than imitation is the best form of flattery. But only in controlled healthy doses. Jealousy outside the sphere of rhyme and reason metamorphoses into possesiveness. In love it is essential to show little signs of jealousy to prove that you still care, that they still hold some esteem in your eyes. Little shows of jealousy, showing that you are annoyed is a cool thing. Holding it in is not healthy anyway, its always good to let it out, but as always like with steam and anger, it should be done in short controlled bursts.
Jealousy because of some inherent inferiority complex or insecurities that you might have inevitably gives rise to possesiveness. Keeping tabs or being unreasonably inquisitive and suspicious can never be healthy. Even if you have to probe do it in a lightheartedly provoking manner. And then watch the eyes as they reply.
Every relationship has scope for jealousy. And every relationship is affected the same way. And everytime it arouses because you are unsure of your status, there is a real or imagined fall in your stature. And that invariably means a replacement. Being content with one lot is not in man's and certainly not in a woman's nature. Being a confidante, or a co conspirator or a platonic friend is never enough. We have to dominate every aspect of that persons life. We need to hold the most important status in every emotion and need that they might feel. Being replaced in any category can never be tolerated. The more important position you hold, the more prone to jealousy you become.
But jealousy is not entirely dependent on your status in that persons eye. Fear of being replaced is not the only fodder for that chimaeric green eyed monster. A person to whom you might hold no relevance whatsoever can just as well agitate the fragile peace of your mind. You have to carefully devaluate the person in your mind. But if its a crush you must be careful not to let others opinion devaluate him/her in your eyes. Because that never happens. Internally if not outwardly you end up defending them and espousing their causes. So much so that their esteem in your eyes actually ends up hitting the roof.