Leonardo di Caprio is the only pretty boy i can thin of who is appreciated as an actor. Brad Pitt rocked Fight Club, Tom Cruise is an awesome actor (just see Jerry Maguire, Top Gun, Last Samurai), but in recent times i can only think of Leo and Russell Crowe as hunks who got noticed
for their acting. Leo keeps up the good work in Blood Diamond. But to be brutally honest, Djimon Honsou is the one to watch out for in this movie. He is one AMAZING actor. Ive seen him in Four Feathers, Gladiator and The Island, but in this movie he totally rocks and almost manages to steal the show away from Di Caprio.
Blood Diamond is set in mid nineties, in war torn Africa, more specifically, Sierra Leone. Honsou (Solomon Wendy)is a fisherman and the patriarch of a family torn apart. Di Caprio (Danny Archer) is a bounty hunter/weapons dealer/diamond smuggler with loose morals - a man just looking to get by in a tough and uncompromising world. Di Caprio teams up with Honsou, who found and buried a rare pink diamond.
Archer views the diamond as his salvation, his way out of the hell hole that he is in. The issues are tackled well, without making the movie boring. Inspite of the fact that sides have been taken, in reality its still difficult to determine whos good or bad in conflict racked
African nations. What is certain (and portrayed with brutal honesty) is the fact that innocents are caught in the crossed fire. The action sequences and the battle horror portrayed are intense
and graphically real. The drama is riveting, and the long runtime(by hollywood standards) is barely noticed. The score complements the movie well.