Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Respectfully Yours

Reaching the top means different things to different people....Some people set their own standards and some have a comparative perspective. The latter class dont believe in reaching the top of the ladder. They will be sufficient to stand on the middle rungs as long as everyone else is below them.

These are the type of people who believe that the only way to be considered the topmost, to be respected is to play down others or to insult others. This is an attempt either to convince girls which is common among most of the guys around, or even more pathetic, an attempt to
convince themselves. So we see people shouting and mistreating at underlings or bristling when they feel that they are being "disrespected". They will shout at vendors, or mere attendants when they feel people are not being polite to them or curtseying like they think mere flunkeys
should when talking to Them. To earn respect you must give respect. Respecting a person is indifferent from ones status. It is not the same as bowing down or showing deference. Respect is always mutual. A person respects the people working for him or under him and in turn earns
respect. One does not lessens ones dignity by respecting an inferior. One only arouses respect in others by proper conduct and show of respect, not lessen it.

If you are deluded enough to believe that people have nothing better to do than disrespect you all the time, then the problem is yours. You probably suffer from an insecurity complex. Also people need to respect themselves to get respect. If you dont respect yourself you can hardly
expect others to do the same. At this point i must clarify the difference between respecting oneself and being vain. If you are a high up person, or a person with responsibility, you must appear presentable. There is a way of carrying oneself and maintaining ones dignity in the
presence of others. If you ignore this things, people tend to take a different view of you. I have seen enterpreneurs and very highup persons arriving for work in a casual t shirt and jeans or foregoing shoes for the more comfortable but hardly presentable floaters or sandals. If you
are casual in a formal situation, you cannot people for taking you for granted or treating you casually.


Heroes have it tough. They have a hard life and circumstances do their best to put them in tricky situations. In Greek mythology one of my favorite heroes was Achilles. Disillusioned youth, a magnificient warrior, he was cursed to fight the right war for the wrong reasons. Maybe
even on the wrong side.

Its uncanny how many similarites he shared with Karna of Mahabharat. Incidentally Karn was my favorite hero from the series. Both Achilles and Karna fought on the wrong side in the great war. Both were killed wrongly, through deceit. Both were roumored to be invincible. While Karna was blessed with a magic armor, Achilles went in for the more mythical and less cumbersome, magical river dip. Most importantly inspite of all the circumstances pitted against them, they
went down in posterity as the greatest heroes men have known.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

In Graphic Detail
This one time i was hanging out wit some friends and a friend of mine, for some reason (99% to make conversation with a chick) tells a girl "U know, Kaavish reads comic strips in the papers". I had about ten different comebacks for that remark. The fact that i didnt use a
single one of them is a different matter altogether. People always associate comics with childishness and immaturity. I believe this has something to do with the fact that little children and infants have books with pictures on them. Also comics in India is something generally associated with kids. Its not surprising considering the abysmal quality of comic books in India. Bad grammar, bad language, bad stories.

Everything teaches us something. Even comics. In fact i dare any person to completely understand all the words in the Calvin & Hobbes series. Or even the philosophy behind them. Even cartoons. Half the people i know wouldnt understand many of the cartoons. Maybe thats why they mock. Cuz people do have a tendency to play down things that stymies them. What we dont understand is beneath us is their attitude. If u cant join em, trash em.

What people need to understand is that in this day and age, cartoons are not something childish or just for children. Animation is a pathbreaking technology. It is a cheaper and more exiting alternative when telling ur stories. I mean movies like Finding Nemo, The Incredibles and Shrek are among the top grossing movies of all time. U cant tell me that something that earns so much is enjoyed just by children. For my part I intend to keep reading comics, watch
cartoons. Because they are good fun, pass time nicely and i dont give a damn what some half baked person says when thinking with his d**k rather than his brain.

So go order ur Tintin, Calvin & Hobbes or Asterix collection. Or kick back with a nice Disney/Pixar or Dreamworks DVD


They claim that to make a girl it took.....sugar and spice and everything nice.....maybe thats why girls are weird...i mean are we preparing some stupid gujarati dish..cmon who
mixes sugar and spice..its a damnfool combo

Everything is fair....and love is war

life is not like an icecream....and its not a piece of cake...or a cup of tea...its all of them rolled into one so u cant enjoy anything and all flavor is lost..

Variety is the spice of life....to much of it can cause soul cancer

Behind every successful man there is a woman....holding her hand out for his hard earned salary

They say love changes everything.....they forgot to mention it changes things for the worse

it is paradoxical how people believe in love at first sight and yet claim love is blind

If a man's mind is potentially dangerous....a womans mind is absolute devastation and mayhem

Love is a dream..........marriage is when you wake up

Physical dependence on any substance is dangerous for the body....emotional dependence on anyone is devastating to the soul
Fewer women suffer from heart disease and stress illnesses.......majority of them are the cause
of such diseases in men