Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Misery loves company. Company shares misery and makes it less or maybe even makes it go away. But driving away misery is only one way out. Misery suffered in solitude can be dangerous. It is not for everyone. It can make a person depressed, make him go mad, even suicidal. But if a person is strong enough to bear it, it can help him. Misery is like an ocean, a person who has no stamina, who does not know how to swim can drown. But a person daring enough to swim, one who is strong enough to bear its strong current, and fight its undertow can go to new places in this ocean. Misery is a powerful motivator. The greatest modern poets write about misery and melancholy (or so ive heard. Personally i could never get thru one of their poems without falling asleep 17 times). Some of Shakespeares greatest works are tragedies (again never read them in all their glory). Some people let their emotions rule supreme. We are influenced by a spectrum of emotions like, infatuation, love, lust, hate, anger, elation, joy. If we allow ourselves to be influenced with all these emotions, then why not be influenced by misery. Why are we so quick to dispel this emotion, this burdgeoning feeling?

Monday, July 17, 2006


All this superhero buzz has prompted me to write something about my fav. heroes. This summer has witnessed a deluge of superheroes...the good (superman, x-,men) the terrible (krissh) and the ugly (that akshay guy in alag) Superman is the ideal hero for every generation. Initially he was preferred just because he had the most awesome powers, he was invulnerable and he was the mightiest of all heroes.
Slowly realising this folly people started leaning towards Batman as their ultimate hero, he was without powers, he was mortal and he was flawed. Above all he was a self made man who changed his situation and the circumstances around him to become one of the most powerful heroes feared and respected. But I like Superman and i will now procceed to give the logic for my argument. Most people believe in fate. What happened was fated to happen, it was destiny. Nothing happens by accident, situations and circumstances were meant to take place, people are what they are by fate. In such a situation, a man was chosen by fate to have all the power in the world, to be the mightiest being on the planted and among the most powerful
in the universe. Only a real hero can be chosen to weild such power. Even without his powers and his special abilites, being the kind of man he is, Kal El, or Clark Kent, would have been among the greatest heroes ever. It is what he is that makes him special, not just his powers. And that is why i claim, that there can never truly be a Superman.

No one person, one man can be entrusted with such a wealth of power and might. No one is that honest, courageous, altruistic or heroic. And so i sadly claim that there can never be a Superman. We learn from our follies, our mistakes. A flawed man would make the best enforcer. I have watched and observed myself as I slowly let go of my beliefs and principles, and fell into follies and errors because it was difficult to hold onto my beliefs or maybe because i just lacked the willpower. I degenerated something that i would have not thought possible few years ago. And
as i observed myself, as i threw my mind back, i saw my mistakes and observed my follies and hus realised where i had gone wrong. And now i would be among the best persons to consult on what not to do. This is true for many other people. No person is perfect. More importantly no person is complete. So there can never be one man who can be completely in charge, who can be completely trusted with everything. Hence i claim that there can never be a superman entrusted with all the might in the world. Because even real saints arent that saintly.


so people ask me how can i say things or give out dictums about love having never experienced
the obsecene infatuation (that passes for love) myself. Let me ask you...does one need to
have jumped down a well himself to know that it is an unwise thing to do, does one need to put
oneself in front of a running bus to know that it is a foolish move? People cannot fall in
love. The most that can happen is one man can find the least irritating and ideally suited
person for him. And there can only be one such woman for every man.
In a world where we form relationships of convinience it would be the most convinient one.
Then how is it that multiple men end up chasing few women with several claiming about one
particular female that she is the one for him or conversely he is the one for her? It is rare
that an ideal woman may exist for a man. It is rarer still that she may be of the same age
group as him. It is even rarer that she will be of the same age group and have the same
background and ethnicity which is especially important in the Indian society. Rarer still
is the fact that she lives in the vincinity or even the same country. Rarer is the chance
that he will ever find her in his lifetime. But rarest of all is the chance that they will
fall in "love" with each other. So several guys wooing for a few girls and one of them
managing to land her isnt love.......its just getting something that u have been obsessed with.
This fact will be noticeable when after getting your girl, ur enthusiasm wanes and slowly u
lose the early interest and passion that you once had. Because the thrill of the chase is
over. And life hereafter will be stagnant....the fun is over..things can only go wrong from

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I love exploring the human psyche...Some people consider it like
unlocking a door, some compare it to reading a book.I personally
disagree with the key lock wouldmean that each person needs adifferent key...the book theory i can identify with...different books have different content, different styles and languages. But I personally feel that understanding a human mind is like picking a lock. Each lock is slightly different but the principles are the same. And its better to practice with your own lock, er, mind. Learn to pick one lock and u have taken ur first step towards picking others(or towards a life of crime whichever may be the case). Understanding C++ is the basis to learning computer programming. Similarly understandyourself and you'll be surprised at how easy it is to understand others. Its also surprising how many people , though they may claim tounderstand others have surprisingly little knowledge about themselves.

Understanding urself is also very important for other obviousreasons. There are numerous, varied and complex factors affecting the human thinking proccess yet once things fall into place we realise that it all takes place according to a certain pattern. Is there any weakness greater than not knowing ur own strengths? Is there any strenght greater than knowing ur own weaknesses? I should think not. But knowing ones tendencies is not always a pleasant task..often knowledge can tend to shock wonder they say ignorance is bliss. How does a person attain maturity...more importantly how does one know when one does? I think its when u realise that life is a neverending experience and never overestimating oneself. The human mindweb is more intricate than anything that even spiderman could weave. ITs impossible to discern all the shapes and sizes so our only hope is to detect a pattern and learn to predict. The only way to defeat ur opponent is to learn to think like him and the most important games and the most dangerous ones are the MIND GAMES.